Steemit Family -- What Crypto Are You HODL'g or SODL'g During This Crypto Week in the Markets???

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Well another interesting week in Crypto!



We are in the midst of more recovery and uptrending from 3+ month's worth of "THE DUMPENING Part 4...5 and maybe 6... " --- a BIG one the last ~11 weeks.

We are used to seeing unprecedented growth in the entire Crypto Currency space, not just in Bitcoin.

-- Are you HODLing everything? SODL some?

-- Moved profits into one place or another?

What's your take on things here?

-- Share your experiences with us and we can all laugh, learn, help one another.

Total crypto market cap chart / 1 month view: Hovered over high point - May 5th at $471B

Thanks for dropping by....

-- please tell us what coins you are hodl'g or sodl'g and why?


Short-term, EOS
Medium term Bitcoin Cash
Long Term Cardano & Steem

I personally am holding all my positions and adding to them as prices dip. Currently that includes, BTC, ETH, ADA, IOTA, LTC, XLM & XRP. I also continue to explore various other reward platforms such as Steem, Electroneum mobile mining,, JSE Coin and a couple others.

I loved you in the NHL.


Lol. Thanks. Hardest hitter in the league!

Ask Lindros, he will say the same amen.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63498.69
ETH 2645.91
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.80