Reduced to non sequitur/ nonsense, is this the last of the saga?

in #steem6 years ago

Seemingly @lucylin abandoned his position of ethical dilemma and yet, for some reason, I doubt that this is the last we will hear from the peddler of nonsense himself. To me he has thoroughly demonstrated he has no spine, no acumen for dignity and despite his proclaimed "overcoming the ego" and professed sanity he fancies everything as revolving around himself, much like why he thinks he's challenging some evil TPTB and that he's some kind of "leader" in information war. Yes, I'm gloating at the latest exchange between the idiot himself and me and I don't care what anyone thinks about that ;)


Yet the shares and the vests DO belong to you. Much like fishing on the ocean is NOT meritocracy, it's both skill And luck, so saying that "it's not free market" is a non sequitur, fishing and selling fish work in tandem, but fishing is not selling fish and it doesn't follow that "fishing is not free market" because you have to established exactly why or how that is significant.


You still have to define WHAT it is, if it's not free market.

For the uptenth time:

You don't have an ethical dilemma, only an equitable dilemma, and you don't want to acknowledge that that is exactly how business with shareholders function. The only difference is that this is A Game of sorts, not a business, much like fishing is a game AND a business.

And since you refuse to understand this, I will repeated it once more :

Nobody owns the blockchain.

Nobody owns the comment section.

Nobody owns the reward pool. has a code of ethics.

Steem cannot have a code of ethics.

Steem is the ocean in the analogy of the fisherman.

Just because there is no code of ethics baked into fishing, does not preclude ethical behavior or encourage unethical behavior.

If you assert that without a code of ethics people will resort to aggression you must demonstrate that people, without a code of ethics, will be unethical, and you must do so in a majority anarchist society, as steem is, and point out exactly whose property rights or consent is violated or could be violated. You are abandoning your previous position though, of "ethical dilemma" by agreeing that no property can be violated, making Universal Ethics baked into the system by virtue of cryptography and clearly defined property, without any need for a code of ethics.

You must also reconcile the fact that you don't have a liberty bone in you, zilch, nada, despite virtue signaling to the contrary at seemingly any chance you can: because a liberty mind will not resort to authoritarian coding of ethics, especially when they recognize that humans can function without a code of ethics.

As for logic, or reasoning, you are lacking, that is putting it nicely.

You asserted umpteenth times: steem is not free market, because nobody owns the reward pool, but clearly free market is people taking goods to market, and without a way to PRICE A PRODUCT OR SERVICE you cannot expect anyone to buy.

Your logic is this: Shareholders getting profits from their stake/investments is not free market. So what? What made you think that ROI is the same as buying and selling? Another example would be, fishing is not free market. Or soccer is not free market. Clearly, you only have a non sequitur. It does not follow that fishing is about Trade. It does not follow that soccer is about trade, or owning stock is about trade. Yet, teams can buy players, much like people can buy stake, much like fishermen can sell their catch. Logician you are not.

Lastly, as for your slanderous nonsense about me, or your so called psychoanalysis, or your self diagnosed sanity, good luck selling that as true or correct or mildly applicable.

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if someone told me water wasn't wet, tried to convince me of it...

i wouldn't care.

if what he says is so stupid, and I have not engaged the argument enough to know or care.. but to state his opinion and whine about it... in a way says you have something to fear.

the attacks on him just make me more interested in him, and less in you.

unfollowed. ; ) cheers to you and your attempts to destroy ideas you don't like.

truth can't be destroyed, but lies always fade in the light.

I whined about his opinion? I engaged him from the beginning on the merits of his argument: that steem is unethical. He resorted to attacking me and doubling down behind his assertions nil reasoning that: A that steem is not a meritocracy, as if it was ever supposed to be, or could be, much like fishing cannot be a meritocracy and B that because nobody owns the reward pool it's not free market, another non sequitur.

Thank for the "unfollow" and your notion what I did, as if speaking truth and dispelling nonsense pretending to be philosophy or logical is anything like lying, bold face lying.

You can hurl your nonsense about truth cannot be destroyed, but lies clearly undermine truth and truth is among the first casualties of war, and entire languages were erased simply to hide and destroy truth. You can hold onto your bullshit sentiment about truth, I'm certain you don't have any interest in Truth and veracity itself, especially when you have no problem with leveling serious accusations of lies towards me.

BTW, why did you think that "I don't like" certain ideas? Is it because ideas being worthy or insipid doesn't matter, because ideas are simply opinions and preferences?

Posted using Partiko Android

i see people with idiotic ideas all the time from my perspective. what i found is that they are all doing their best, given their understanding.

entire languages were erased simply to hide and destroy truth

and it doesn't work. because those memories are never lost, it becomes the splinter in our minds that drives us to do things we don't understand until we figure it out.

without God... i would understand your rage.

Did I say anything about them not doing their best?

Erasing entire languages has worked, what are you talking about "memories". Truth is very easy to hide or remove. Book burning, censorship, and propaganda.

Now you're attempting to move the discussion into God and Tone Policing me, as if I'm raging.

The point I made was that you're mistaken about numerous things:

I didn't "dislike" his ideas and tried to tear them down.
I didn't lie.
I gave the ideas he had full consideration/care/interest.
Truth is very easy to hide and destroy. It's definitely not impossible to do so, or improbable, in fact the adage "conquerors write the history" is universally understood. You are also a flat earth theorist, by your own theory truth has been hidden for hundreds if not thousands of years. (btw I do not hold my breath waiting to hear what in fe theory explains the lunar eclipse or horizon).

Lie all you want, lie that my "lies always fade into the light" and lie as if lies are inconsequential in some "large timescale", it only indicates that you don't care about certain things like truth.

Posted using Partiko Android

what fear you must feel thinking truth can be extinguished.

i'm sorry you are so afraid. makes sense why you are the way you are tho.

God is Truth, and God cannot be extinguished.

darkness is the absense of light. the light only needs be present for the truth to appear and vanquish the darkness.

Now the conversation went to my feelings, because I must be afraid to think that truth can be hidden or destroyed.

Keep wishing that book burnings, language changes and censorship didn't "extinguish" truth.

Keep peddling paraphrases from people like Einstein who would roll in his grave to know what nonsense his words are used to deceive with.

Don't bother to provide any proof for that accusations you made of me lying and sit there and lie to my face that truth cannot be hidden or destroyed while you feign sympathy for my alleged fear, because you clearly ain't got shit to say to anything I pointed out.

Book burning. War. Murder. All kinds of things have been used SUCCESSFULLY to hide truth:

The victors write history.

Think, question, stop spouting nonsense and preaching when the topic had absolutely nothing to do with your beliefs. Why the fuck did you come into this thread if you had absolutely no fucking interest in having a conversation about any of it, only of accusing me of nonsensical bullshit and telling me thank you for "unfollowing". What a fucktard clown.

Didn't have anything to say, so you started talking about God and faith, then you tried again, now about my feelings and spewing "darkness is the absence of light". Whack ass idiot.

Posted using Partiko Android

yet after all these years of trying to 'kill God'...

people still pray. religions die, but spirituality is born of it.

those who know do not say, those who say do not know.

You came in here saying that I lied and implied that I didn't care or consider what I responded to (hypocrite much?) and accused me of whining. I confronted your nonsense and you accused me of raging. I confronted your evasion and your nonsense about me raging and dispelled your nonsensical notion /sentiment that truth cannot be hidden or destroyed (do you even bookburn, do you know why languages were changed and "simplified", and if you think that lying is so inconsequential why come in here and accuse me of lying you clown?) and you accused me of not believing in God and doubled down behind your nonsensical sentiment of darkness is the absence of light, and when I point out that universal adage of the victors write history and that books have been burned, people have been killed through war and plain murder and their truth will never be heard and asked you what you evaded again, you come back with more bullshit nonsense:

What the fuck are you doing here?
What the fuck are you claiming I lied about?
What the fuck gave you the right to discuss my feelings?
What the fuck gave you the right to assume that I don't believe in God?
What the fuck rock did you crawl out from under thinking that you can sit there and preach to me about what I think about anyone's ideas when you had no interest or concern to even cursory investigate what the fuck you were talking about you whack ass clown?
What the fuck are you doing here preaching about "spirituality" and "people still pray" and what the fuck do you think you are you clown, the one who knew but said? You whack ass clown.

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