SteemWhistle: A .NET library that exposes the Steem blockchain as Reactive Extensions Observables
Announcing SteemWhistle: A library that lets you stream and query the Steem blockchain using LINQ and Rx.
I've just checked in the really early bits for SteemWhistle, which includes a rudimentary vote bot as a sample.
All you need is to clone to get started.
The SteemVoteBot is a simple bot that demonstrates the use of the library, so take a look at it and let me know what you think!
Here's a sample of the code you can write:
var globalPropertiesObservable = GlobalPropertiesObservable.Create("ws://localhost:8090").Publish();
var blockObservable = BlockObservable.Create("ws://localhost:8090", globalPropertiesObservable).Publish();
var transactionsObservable = TransactionsObservable.Create(blockObservable).Publish();
var postsAndCommentsObservable = PostsAndCommentsObservable.Create(transactionsObservable).Publish();
var commentsObservable = CommentsObservable.Create(postsAndCommentsObservable).Publish();
var postsObservable = PostsObservable.Create(postsAndCommentsObservable).Publish();
var votesObservable = VotesObservable.Create(transactionsObservable).Publish();
globalPropertiesObservable.Subscribe((globalProperties) =>
Console.WriteLine("head_block_number = " + globalProperties.head_block_number);
}, (ex) => Console.WriteLine(ex.Message));
blockObservable.Subscribe(block =>
Console.WriteLine("Block arrived. # of transactions = " + block.transactions?.Count());
}, (ex) => Console.WriteLine(ex.Message));
var q = from block in blockObservable
from transaction in block.transactions
select transaction.signatures;
Many thanks to @xeroc, @theoretical, and others for posting their code that helped me figure out what to do.