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RE: The Reward Pool Rape saga between @berniesanders & @haejin

in #steem7 years ago

It's definitely an interesting issue... and one that's likely to arise more and more as this platform is adopted.

This kind of behavior was always going to appear where money is involved.

His coming rewards over the next 7 days is $9530.41 which is 1.367% of the total reward pool. He has really strong backers (who want his followers to adopt the platform), really strong haters, and an almost religious follower group.

The thing is, I'm not really sure how they're making money... I've read that he's often about 80% correct, but he doesn't offer any timelines and anyone who asks is instructed to learn more about TA. This confuses me about his intended audience... is it for other TAs who probably don't need him, or is it for people who don't understand Technical Analysis but are only provided half the information. I honestly couldn't use any of this advice...

Therefore, I think people are intending to make money from writing comments that he likes and upvotes... which of course are highly positive. Most people are probably also upvoting him to get the curation rewards... this platform ironically makes the rich richer.

I have no problem with him at all, he's not for me... but I'm not happy with people flagging him because he's too popular, it's straight up bullying. If you're not happy with him getting paid so much, then you need to ask his backers why they're dolling out so much. If they're doing it to encourage his audience to the platform, then so be it.

I'm sure one of the first posts I ever read was @berniesanders complaining about all the people flagging him, so it's weird to see him on the other side... I'd hate to think what he'd do if Taylor Swift or similar moved her Tumblr blog to here and brought one trillion hardcore fans...


Very good points, it does seem as this platform has certain social cliques that tend to run together, hate together, promote together etc. As this is still relatively new in the grand scheme of things. I expect a lot more of this type of behavior. That is until a solid rule set is established with neutral mods, admins etc. that can lay down the hammer based upon policy and adherence to the rules as opposed to ones wealth. At current the ones with the wealth, set the policy through the power of their up or down votes.. On a side note, look at BTC.. I think I said something about a phenomenal crash of 50 percent or more in my previous analysis.. but then again I'm not a guru... lol..

I was messing around with @originalworks yesterday and I have discovered that it has to be included in a post that is directly replying to the original post. It won't work if it is included in a reply to a reply if that makes any sense. I will edit my reply above and include it for you so that you won't have to make any erroneous post.

Good call, fixed it..:)

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