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RE: I Am Not Ded... Yet

in #steem4 years ago

@guyfawkes4-20 Awesome post.

  • What's Your opinion about our game?
  • What game?
  • Do you like movies?

The movie the Matrix is a Documentary. At least from my perspective.
In order to Dissolve our mental prison, it might be useful to Know what it is so,

  • How about we have a sneak peek in the rabbit hole?
  • How about we explore our Tough game called Reality, between us and evil?

Buckle your seatbelt my friend, because the matrix is going bye-bye.
The Matrix is the Control system. That system is our enemy.

  • Why do we live in a Control system?
  • Did you know that everything is done through People?

We live in a Control system:

  • Because we Sell necessities,
  • Because we do Not have enough necessities,
  • Because we use the resources of the planet for Poison and other stuff that are Not necessities,
  • Because People create Demand for poison through their Everyday Choices
  • Because their Destructive, Frail, Fake nature chooses for them
  • Because they're Not aware.

Most are not aware of the Basics. The good news is that the basics are so Simple that they can be summarized in 1 phrase:

  • the control system NO longer exists when there is NO demand for it.

People want to be Free. Some people even fight for Freedom then they go to the store to Buy Poison -they add one more brick in the Control system. Guess what! Free people can't be Controlled.
People do NOT talk about the cause of our problem, because the cause is our everyday choices, and as long as people are Not aware, they are Not willing to give up stuff that are Not necessities, so we Continue living in a Control system. The control system is Powerful because People Work Really Hard to Build it.

  • Who wants to be a slave?
  • Nobody, so
  • Why do people work hard to Build Our own Enslavement (a scenario they don't want)?

All people have good intentions, yet they Work Hard to Reinforce the control system. Why?
After 12 years of education system we know Nothing. Why?
You heard the word Tough. Now you might know what it means. The fact that children Waste 12 years of their life might be an example of a Tough scenario. Our government does NOT include education in the education system because UNeducated people are easier to… Control and when it comes to Dissolve the control system:

  • What do people do?
  • They are so hopeLessly Dependent on the control system that they Fight to Protect it.
  • Are you reading these lines thoughtfully or are you remembering the red dress scene? Think again! Distractions are more or less destructive in the short term and inevitable destructive in the long term.

My guess is that there is NO fault. More important might be what are we doing Now (while we still can) about it. From the moment we're born:

  • We're conditioned to be frail, because Frail people choose what's Easy,
  • We're conditioned to be beneficial for Control: Knowledge is kept Hidden and we receive Lies beneficial for control (the Wrong map).

People have positive intentions and this does Not matter.

  • As long as they have the Wrong map (The Control system), they invest their positive intentions in the Wrong direction (in Reinforcing the Control system). And by the fact that we choose what's Easy (Passivity) we Perpetuate this Nonsense.
  • Positive intentions make sense only when we have the Right map.

People Work Hard to build the Control system, because they function from an interest of Control, because they are NOT aware of the fact that there is another way: a world Without control.
People do what they know. They Reinforce Our own enslavement because they don't know any better. The Plug for control is Lack of knowledge, Lack of awareness, so the good :) news is that the Solution might be simpler than it may seem:

  • Winning our game might be about getting the message (Knowledge, the Basics) across.

By waking people up We can UNplug them and

  • Until we do, they are part of Reinforcing the control system because their Frail, fake nature chooses what's Easy: Destruction, Self-Destruction, Conformity, Passivity,
  • When people are Aware they have the power to Choose their response and they can choose what's Right: Responsibility, they can Return to our initial goal of Evolution.

People don't talk about winning our game because the solution is Change and as long as people are UNconscious their Frail nature chooses what's Easy:

  • Remaining in inertia is easy
  • Conformity is easy.
  • Obedience is easy.
  • Ignorance is easy.
  • Evil is always easy.

In the Next level of our game there are NO unnecessary stuff. People don't want to change.

  • Do you know what's the Madness law?
  • Being the Same and expecting Different results.

People don't talk about reality. I guess they are Busy Celebrating stuff.
People hurry to buy UNnecessary stuff to celebrate the new year or other celebrations.
What are they celebrating? All the Festivities can be summarized in 1 word: ControlFest. People have 2 stomachs to eat and 1 to work.
Actually people work really hard, only that they work to build the Control system. When people gather for a festivity, they buy stuff that are NOT necessities (mostly poison).
Do I have to repeat that the Cause for the Control system are stuff that are NOT necessary?
It doesn't even matter when you read this comment because Every second we can celebrate the fact that now we're 1 year older than 1 year ago. That's a good enough reason to celebrate by buying stuff we don't even need.
The good :) news is that our game is not over, yet. A scenario in which people are Aware, is a scenario we can Create, only when we're Responsible. We have the Power to Create educational content - through which we can wake people up and we can combine the 2 solutions:

  • We can share the Basics and
  • We can make a living by selling Necessities,

By doing so we might have a chance to reach the Next level of our game where there is a superabundance of Necessities, at this point there is NO enslavement, and we can focus on Evolution. How simple is that?
I'm not too smart. I bet you're smarter than me so I let you decide:
What's better:

  • This level where we work hard to Reinforce Our Own enslavement or
  • The next level where there is NO enslavement?

By the way. We don't have all the time in the world to meditate at this question. They want to depopulate the planet, because less people are easier to…You guessed right: the pattern is Control. Time's up,
What's gonna be?
Life on planet Earth can look different. Winning Our game is NOT automatic.
Unless we wake people up in Good time, we Lose our game.
I was unaware of these facts. Only recently I connected some dots. There are so Many levels Beyond this one and people are Not aware of this. People are Misled. This is Not right. I believe people deserve to have to have Clarity, the Full map. That's why I feel responsible to share the Right map.
As long as people are NOT aware they can NOT conceive the solution because the solution is Responsibility. When we're Responsible, we can Create educational content (NOT for too long) through which we can wake people up. In case you see a connection between frailty and responsibility you can make a movie about it.
As long as people are NOT aware, their frail nature is gonna use their mind to create all the necessary Excuses through which they Justify why they choose what's Easy (Ignorance, Destruction).
1 of our problems is that people believe the control system is mandatory. They say:

  • We can't do something about it. We're too small.

This might happen because they don't know the context.
Did you know that the control system is NOT mandatory?
Evil exists as a challenge.

  • Isn't this the whole Point of our game: To experience Epic Evolution by Overcoming our Epic Challenge?

There are many stuff to be said about Winning Our game. That's exactly why I created an educational show: to share my perspective about it. our game is NOT mine, our game is Ours, so:

  • What's Your opinion about it?

Our game doesn't last forever: the latest Regulations for content creators are only the beginning, soon enough, we end up in a world of total Control, of Censorship (which is Already a reality to a major extent), in a point of NO return, in which we can NO longer work for winning our game, so the question is:

  • How can we wake people up in Good time?

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