
Yes. I just worry that the feedback loop will minimize new content in other areas that might then become popular. Probably won’t be a big issue though. Creative people gonna create

how I see it is this. Someone is going to use the publicly available data to build countless feedback loops. One idea is that we run it on a 7-day delay (basically when the payouts actually occur and are locked in to the blockchain). This delay would show ppl what's been popular recently rather than currently, but that would reduce the "real time" accuracy of the current community demands with regards to current topics and news-related content.

Hmm that’s interesting.

It would be really cool if the user could specific the lookback period. So users could see which tags are popular now vs a week ago vs the past month/year vs all time.

You might be interested in creating a post that is perennially high paying even though there might be a current dip for whatever reason (seasonal, fad, etc).

Sort of like a google trends view

all of our reports will be available for historical recalls until we are able to build a front end to display it. Guess that's the manually way for now for ppl interested. Don't tell anyone, but we also own the "@SteemTrends" account and have ambitious goals of releasing exactly what you mention. ;) This project has gotten a bit larger than I had originally expected and we may be looking for another dev.

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