A post of mine from Facebook explaining how I'm pretty much done posting over there.. And right after I posted that I found out that Facebook is now considering crypto and blockchain???

in #steem7 years ago (edited)


Okay.. So.. First I'm going to copy/paste a post I just shared on Facebook, which originally I did not intend on sharing here on steemit. Cause.. i feel it's relevant now that this has expanded a bit. But.. Essentially this text below is me saying I'm almost done posting on FB and am not going to be on there much anymore, and trying to encourage others to come over to steemit.

"So I mentioned a couple times recently that I'm going to be posting less on Facebook, and I feel like I have been, though I've been trying to stay somewhat active over here still and.. I'm losing interest even more in regards to Facebook rapidly.

Last night I was just thinking.. I still spend a good amount of time here that I could spend elsewhere and.. Facebook really sucks lately and steemit is awesome and I get paid over there.. I don't even want to post on Facebook anymore..

BUT.. There's a lot of people I like who are still on FB and not on steemit.. So.. I would once again like to say I'm not entirely quitting FB.

I will be around to check private messages and I'll be sharing links of mine from steemit, and I'll even post some original content from time to time..

However.. I'm just getting to the point where I barely even wanna use Facebook anymore. It's corrupt, censored, they destroyed the feed reach with their greedy algorithims, a lot of the people suck in a similar way that the people on YouTube suck in terms of the quality of people, and.. I don't get paid on Facebook.

It was fun, I love you peoples who I've become friends with on Facebook, and as I said I'm not disappearing completely.. I just am deciding right now to use Facebook a lot less.

I basically have been here over a year telling people that.. We likely have the new Facebook emerging.. That as far as I know can't be censored and allows you to earn money.. And I could still be wrong it could all fall apart, but more and more it is looking like the real deal.

The person who listened to me the most now has an account on steemit worth over $60,000 and it's growing and could be millions in the future.

My account as well could be worth millions in the future and right now even though steem is no longer at $3 or less and it's harder to get steem than it used to be, I still feel like.. Each extra steem dollar or steem token is way more important and lucrative than spending time on Fascistbook.

I highly suggest anyone who reads this who hasn't signed up to steemit yet to give it a chance, it's not too late to make incredible financial gains and to perhaps find an even better community for your artwork or blog or whatever you share on social media.

Fuckbook is a sinking ship, I'm still trying to help people over to the new ship and SMT's are being launched on steemit soon, it's probably going up a LOT after that.. There's still time before that happens..

Which is a major reason why I'm not going to be here on Facebook nearly as much anymore, I see the world changing.
Much love to you peoples who I've talked with on here and I hope your lives go great. :)

As I said I'll still be around a little bit, so you can get my attention if you need to with a private message or whatever.. But.. I'm trying to leave this place behind more than ever.

As a final closing note.. I watched a video the other day on YouTube where some high level Facebook people were explaining how they have guilt and feel bad because it was their job to sort of.."Make people addicted to Facebook"...

And they feel like it's really messed up society in some ways, so.. Think about that.. You're staying on a platform that is sort of degrading society and where the people running it want you addicted and to spend tons of time there, and they don't even pay you. They keep it all, and they censor real truth.

You can't censor anything on steemit, you can post whatever you want. Why do people stay here on Facebook?!?! I don't understand.. It's like choosing slavery over freedom.

Additionally... I'm creating a challenge on steemit soon with what I plan right now to be a 150 steem reward.

I was going to do 200, but.. As steem is getting harder to obtain, I think I should hold on to more.. Yet.. With steem worth $7 right now that would end up being $1050 in USD.

If it goes up to $20 this year like many think it will be, then the prize will be $3000 and if it goes up to $50 this year like some think it'll be worth $7500.

Plus in time that steem could be worth even more.. If it gets up to bitcoin levels it could be $3000000.. When was the last time you entered a challenge on Facebook you could potentially make anywhere between $1050 to $7500 or more like that?

I would love to see you come over to steemit and have fun and post and make money without being censored with good people, and.. I'd love it if you would join my challenge too. :)

If you have any questions or would like some help, please let me know. I'm happy to help and would love to see more people evacuating Fascistbook, it's time for something better.. If you want it. Peace. <3"

I often share music on FB and I then also included this link of this song which is giving me a futuristic vibe right now, lol..

And then right after I posted that this happens... Again I'm going to copy paste from Facebook so I don't have to type it again.

"Wow.. Right after I posted this someone responded to a blog article I wrote the other day on the subject on steemit about how I felt like Facebook was dying and it needed to try to either adopt a crypto coin or allow some other payment option like paypal and.. Then my friend on there sent me this link.

Looks like they are aware and they are trying to figure something out. Fascinating. This looks more and more like the real deal every day! Good luck Zuckerturd!

There's no censorship on steemit. Even if you introduce a coin.. We're still going to grow over time! You can't win.. All your base are belong to us.

However.. This does make me wonder if I should try to invest in the Facebook coin a little bit when it does come out. Ultimately though! I think Facebook's days are numbered.. They are too corrupt and censor too much!


PS I think there was mention of Facebook considering blockchain, but I kinda doubt they would ever do that. They sold their soul and are morally compromised. However.. I guess they could do it as an absolute last resort to try to attempt to keep some of their users... I guess that's possible.. I think unlikely though."

The person who shared this link with me was responding on a blog article I made the other day on the subject that you can find here if you want to.


I even spoke about this in the sense that I thought Facebook would have to do something like this back shortly after I started steemit over a year ago now and I have record of it in this YouTube Vlog type thing I made on steemit a while back.

Kinda crazy to see that now becoming a reality! That they are considering these things now.

images (2).jpg

I think this is some of the most compelling evidence I've seen that some of these things like steemit are the deal deal and that the higher ups at Facebook and elsewhere are probably concerned, hopefully they are anyways.
And this all the more makes me think steemit is going to keep going very rapidly and become a thorn in the side of the Facebooks of the world until hopefully it becomes much more than just a thorn in their side if you know what I mean! :)

I'm definitely hodling and excited for the future, however.. I'm also taking a little bit out to do a contest/challenge thingy here on steemit.. But that's another subject for another post.. Anyways.. I think that's about it for now.. I think Facebook and the others are probably aware of steemit and are probably starting to get concerned that they will lose their empire, and they're desperately trying to consider how they can best adapt.. Though.. Their best adaptation I don't think could ever be as good as what steemit is.. Good freaking luck Fakebook! ._. Heh.



No more FB! Now it's era of STEEMIT!


Cheers indeed! :)

No matter how much steem is, steemit still beats fb any day. Granted that my posts still gets a lot lesser eyeballs here than just a nonsense rant on fb but I think they serve very different purposes.

I agree! And while FB does serve some different purposes right now, I still think it's days are numbered. I think it's messed up it's reputation and that newer generations of people will want something new, similar to how kids of each new generation tend to create their own slang and language, there's a desire for people to create their own new things separate from the past.

They will never be on the same level no matter how much they try. It’s funny how ever since steemit has gained awareness and the price of Steem went up, everyone wants to change their ways . I’m holding onto my 3K Steem in hopes it reaches $15 at least . 45K :) I like the sound of that

I agree! And while they have a large userbase which helps a LOT.. They also have a bad reputation and history and even if they did switch over it would still be tainted in my opinion.. I think people are ready for a change, things tend to and in my opinion change over time, and I think Facebook and other big social media monopolies had a good run. But these are new times and new technologies and mindsets among the people are emerging.. So.. Good luck Facebook and most of the other top current social media, heh.

thanks for the news.but as facebook is not having a decentralized system it wont be successful :)

I do not believe that Facebook can handle it as good as here

No social media beats the steemit bro....its flatform of sharing views and giving earnings to the useers..but in fb twitter they did is business by useing our effort of time and they make huge profits...@apolymask

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