A post about new crypto social media.

in #steem7 years ago

I originally posted this on Facebook and don't want to go change it as I'm in a hurry, so if it sounds weird that's why.. But I wanted to share this here also for anyone who might be interested in the other social media or who might be able to answer one of the questions I asked.. Cheers and hope you're all doing good out there in steemitland!

So.. Looks like it is happening.
The crypto social media platforms are starting to take off.
I may not be on Facebook much in the future.

I don't even have time to properly research all the new social media, but I need to make time.
Right now I've got enough time for about two different social media, not three.
If one of these other sites looks more promising, I'm going to mostly say bye to Facebook.

Good riddance as well, Facebook is corrupt I just got censored AGAIN the other day, many of the people are slothlike flesh robot trolls, just like YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and most of the other major social media.. They are infested with assholes and I've only encountered a few assholes on steemit so far, plus I can't be censored on steemit!!!
I have my doubts any of these sites will overtake steemit as it has first movers advantage and already has close to a million accounts and hundreds of thousands of active users regularly..
Yet.. I do want to keep my eye out, Dan the creator of steemit also said he was going to create a new one on EOS in the future as well!

Since my account on steemit is now worth a lot of money, I need to be aware of all these other up and coming platforms and try to figure out if any of them will be similar to how amazing steemit has been.
If so.. There could be a LOT of money to make for people who get in on these early.
Also.. I won't quit Facebook completely, I have a lot of friends and some family I keep in touch with here, but will just go back to posting infrequently.

We've got sapien, sola.ai, and also minds which is about to or already has begun implementing a crypto currency.
And earlier I saw a commercial on YouTube for another new one! That is similar to the challenge I'm doing! I was like whoa!
It's basically a new social media that pays people in crypto and people set up "challenges" for other people to do.. I was like WTF I JUST CAME UP WITH THAT IDEA.. Well sort of. My idea is still better in my opinion.. :) Will be interesting to see how it plays out though!

I didn't totally catch the name of this new one I thought it said "provoke.me" on the commercial, but I searched google and couldn't find it.. So if anyone is familiar with that social media, please let me know! I'd like to look into it more.
And for anyone sick of Facebook who would like to move on to better people and actual real monetary rewards for your time and effort, I suggest looking into any of the social media I post below, and especially steemit! That one is pretty tried and true in my opinion, been on it over a year and have made at least $20,000 which could end up being a LOT more in time.
Also! If I missed any new and upcoming social media, please lemme know! I have a feeling there's probably a couple other ones out there I either forgot about or don't even know about.






Check out this one bro, if they pull it off, it'll be a game changer. My buddy is on board of directors. Tipper. :https://www.tippereconomy.io/

Word! Thanks for the "tip" I'll definitely check it out! :)

I’m curious if any other platform will take over Steemit. I think it’s growing like crazy and is the pioneer in this field.

Unless something really bad happens behind the scenes I can’t see anything overtaking Steemit!

Completely agree about the emergence of new social media platforms. The new Instagram algorithm update has really effected my primary accounts reach and engagement. I'm looking forward to different options and don't mind the idea of changing how I interact with Facebook going forward.

Thanks for sharing those links too - will resteem

In recent weeks now, steemit has been my most visited website. That automatically it has entered my speed dial.

I've been able to pay a couple of bills via the stipend I get from steemit, I have been able to learn as regards crypto and other business idea on steemit. Now its like I Learn and Earn.

I need to be aware of all these other up and coming platforms and try to figure out if any of them will be similar to how amazing steemit has been

Please when you find such platforms, please do share with us.

Thanks @apolymask


Honestly I feel like Facebook has been on its way down anyway. At least for the 18-24 age demographic that I am in...none of my friends really use it.

Oh? Really? That's good to hear! Heh I'm not a fan of them, I hope they get replaced by a better social media that's less corrupt.

Thanks @apolymask for sharing this post with all of us. 

 A post about new crypto social media.

Well first of all i know you are busy so will not take your much time but you are very right there 

 crypto social media platforms are starting to take off 

i guess the mainstream media like facebook specially has lost the faith from the people who used to use it daily as far my personal experience i don't even check now if i get time i just open steemit the same information i get from which i am use to get from there the only reason of having a facebook account is only for the friends update and i think slowly they will move here too.

 Good riddance as well, Facebook is corrupt I just got censored AGAIN the other day 

Well i used to run a normal page and even a genuine news can't stand there so much censorship is there one can't even take breath i think there so much of dictatorship they better use it for their own personal use but glad that we have steemit at the moment which is looking promising and will be improving along the time its great time for content creators to add value and get rid of that censorship anyways thanks for sharing your expedience with all of us.

Thanks a lot again for sharing this

Have a great day ahead,


I think, If anyone can understand to steemit, how does the work it. Really he will fall in love to steemit. Because I have no time to give in facebook. I utilise my time in steemit and reall I I have felt in love to steemi.. it is my real feeling. 11 days to go, I have opened my account and I am working hard in this platform. I am happy in this response. Really this is a great site. There is no doubt about it. Thank you friends for sharing this excellent post with us.

And earlier I saw a commercial on YouTube for another new one! That is similar to the challenge I'm doing! I was like whoa!
It's basically a new social media that pays people in crypto and people set up "challenges" for other people to do.. I was like WTF I JUST CAME UP WITH THAT IDEA.. Well sort of. My idea is still better in my opinion.. :) Will be interesting to see how it plays out though!

I wonder how many of those "new ideas" were, uh, derived from practices already in play on Steemit. ;)

Oh I think I get what you mean now.. You think the provoke.me maybe took the idea from steemit? Or...? I admit I partly got my idea from the challenges on here already, definitely would never deny that.

Close enough. :)

I'm not exactly sure what you're asking? But I think I get what you're saying and yeah there were already a lot of challenges on here, though I think my idea is a little bit different than anything that was on here and the "provoke.me" or whatever it is is called as well, they are similar, but I still like mine more cause it has a virtual world with the custom artwork and such and for a few other reasons, but I think the merging of "fantasy" and reality is going to be a really important pull.

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.
resteemed & Upvoted

are sapien, minds and sola a bit like Steemit? like blogger-driven or more like twitter or instagram? I hardly every use my facebook and I just started it maybe 6 months ago lol I do use instgram a lot because I like posting my poetry over there - I have a decent following on there (well decent for me like 700 LOL) I've been thinking of leaving instgram though... if one of those is similar I may consider jumping into it. I feel like most of my poems and art work are so short or just a picture so I couldn't make a real blog out of it for Steemit

I'm sorry I can't really answer your question because I haven't found the time to research those social media, but.. When I get some time I will try to look through them and I'll share my findings when I do!

BUT.. Just so you know there are apps for steemit that are like instagram and I think maybe there's one that's like a twitter to? There's apps for almost every major kind you can imagine coming over here like YouTube and Dtube and so on.

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