Why I Did a Jump of Faith into Steemit

in #steem7 years ago

I saw it everywhere but honestly I got inspired by @acidyo with his amazing post

Captura de pantalla 2018-01-16 a la(s) 19.54.18.png

Maybe it was a dick move and I am a dummy. But I still believe in Steemit.

Everything what I got in Cryptos was made and keeps being made thanks to Steemit. @Acidyo made me realize it on his post that it is ungrateful what most of steemians are doing... Withdraw.

So this is why I took this lately dip from all cryptos and bought a decent amount of STEEM.


I know, it's not THAAT much, but still, means a lot to me.

I believe in this platform, even tho' some people that I won't mention (because the list would be way too long)
are raping the reward pool and some other whales simply withdrawing every single cent left.

So here is my tiny tiny cut in all this. Even if it's not much, I think that the entire colony is made from tiny ants.
I am one of these ants, and I am here to help the colony itself.

Thanks a lot for your attention and I see you in the next one.

(All the images are my own creation and so I own the rights of them)


I always try to listen to the ideas of my fellow followers to improve my posts and to give something back to the community... therefor: What would you like the next posts to be about? What should I talk about? What kind of painting? Would you like some tutorials about arts, about cooking? Maybe some fresh gaming broadcast? I would love to know!



Very nice buddy, proud of you! :)

Thanks my man!

Faith is all one can have in some situations. The recent dips got people in full-on panic mode. My buddies mantra is 'Buy the Dip' which you did, so good on you man.

Thanks man, I really appreciate your vote of trust =)

@acidyo does post some good stuff!

yah we all believe in steemit... hope its forever

I don't know if forever, but let's hope it will stay for a while =)

Nice post friend

You have got nice images. What if withdrawing every cent later becomes the best option.

Then I am screwed =)

You are a boss, you won't be screwed. Lol

hahaha thanks mate, I appreciate your vote of trust :P

I belive im steemit and i want grew mu sp

then make good content material buddy =)

I am gonna make a post speaking about how I think you can succeed on steemit in these days, so stay tunned!

It's a good investment. I am also thinking of investing something here.

Well, if you do and lose, at least you won t be the only one :P

Very good post!
Im quite new here but being an artist myself too l can totally understand when you say about people just ‘taking’..
Keep up the good work!
I’ll follow you to keep track of your pieces

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