
Do you want to sell SBD for Steem / Steem Power or for money like $?

for money $

The easiest way is to use blocktrades to sell STEEM Dollar to another cryptocurrency like Ethereum and then make an account on and sell it there for $. Or you can send your SBD to an exchange like and then exchange for Ethereum and sell it on Coinbase.

i made a poloniex account which is only got registered not verified yet in the next process i cant understand what i do?

You have to wait for them to verify you which takes a few days. You can use blocktrades to instantly but Ethereum (ETH) and send it to Coinbase address. You cannot sell on poloniex to USD from what I know.

I personally use Coinbase to transfer my crypto into $ which goes into bank account.

is coinbase for SBD selling ?

actually me and my friend started a work on steemit . she earned a 500SBD we want to exchange it in $ for withdraw becoz we want to give proof to our families we earn on steemit

That’s awesome! I’m happy for your friend that she earned so much :) glad to see steemit helping so many around the world

lpreap coinbase is not available for my country

I’m sorry you’ll have to search for google how to change it

I search it but it is not for my country give me another option

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 68872.12
ETH 2524.42
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.53