
Why did you scroll this far! Yes, I'm talking to you, the one who is reading this. Why are you here? What made you think there was something interesting at the bottom of this post?

Lol. I thought there might just possibly be an unupvoted JB comment here at the bottom admitting defeat. Not so lucky there, then! I've only been a member for six months and immediately smelled a rat when I wasted precious time watching a video of his back when I was totally new to the site. But there are a few dodgy characters / things on the site and I'm tiny, so.....

What we need to do (imho) is outright ban posting on anything directly related to making money. It's the means to an end, hardly the be-all and end-all of life. I manage well enough whilst relatively poor and happy that way.

There're so many interesting things to write about in life and categories like 'steemit' are just asking for trouble.

But I expect I'm in the minority here so it's probably a non-starter.

"Greed is good!" As Gordon Gecko once said, eh? Just don't cry when you attract your Jerry Banfield types?

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