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RE: @snowflake's really interesting proposal - Turn whales into moderators and give dolphins all the voting power (TLDR Version)

in #steem8 years ago

I think this is an interesting approach but it has one serious flaw...Steemit is supposed to be a decentralized social media platform. When we start giving certain powers to certain people then it becomes easily abused. I feel like Steemit could be self moderating. It mostly is now but I think there are a few key issues that tend to muck up the flow here on Steemit, but this just my opinion.

  1. The first issue is the use of bots. Obviously they are a money making wonder. They can also be really abusive in the way they are utilized. Plus, what is the actual point of attempting to create "meaningful" content only to have it flagged or upvoted by a bunch of bots and in the end, only a few actually read it. To me, that is seriously aggravating. If Steemit is supposed to be a free space for you to have your say, not matter what that is, and get paid for that then what the heck are we are actually doing when we downvote people to the point they can no longer be seen or heard from?
  2. I think the curators are long as they are actually encouraging folks to read the content they are curating. Which brings me to another issue that aggravates me...I think we need to eliminate the ability to upvote or downvote content without actually having read it. I think half the folks on steemit have no idea what is going on because they just go around upvoting everything the whales are upvoting or upvoting everyone that has a 70 or better rep instantly. You probably just upvoted some dudes instructions on how to discreetly pick your boogers on the morning train but so long as you make a few bucks you're good to go.
  3. Get rid of the gosh darn down vote already. If you are a lurker like I tend to be, then you may have noticed here the past week that there are several accounts that are being voted into oblivion to make a point or maybe it's to settle a score , or maybe it's just because but whatever the reason, I can't help but imagine how the must feel. If there is an account that is misbehaving then insteading of flagging or downvoting, why don't we just allow the community to decide by upvoting them or not upvoting them. It will happen that after a week or two of not receiving any upvotes because of plagiarism or just plain crap content those accounts will drop off organically.
  4. Lastly, I think it would be really interesting to see Steem become a POS so that people would have a reason to hold their coins other than having the ability to throw weight around in the community. I personally couldnt care less about curating for money...but if my steem power were staking while being held hostage for 13 weeks then I don't think a "power down" period would be necessary.
    Anyway, that's just my thought...back to my hole, lol.

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