Do you Love STEEM? Let's Push it to the FIRST SPOT on NETCOINs

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Hi again, steemians! This is my second post regarding the euphoria of getting STEEM, our lovely cryptocurrency, to be at the FIRST SPOT on NETCOINs! Yes, there is a contest hold by @oracle-d to be participated by all the steemians, every where, any where, in regard bringing the coin to be listed on NETCOINs! Day one has been completed successfully, as reported by oracle-d through this post. or their other post. I also has translated the announcement of the contest into Bahasa Indonesia to reach more Indonesian Steemians to participated. The translation can be found here.

Hai, steemians! Ini adalah postingan keduaku, terkait euforia dan aksi keren dalam membawa coin STEEM terdaftar secara resmi dan gratis di NETCOINs! Yup, dalam upaya ini, @oracle-d bikin kontes seru tuh sejak kemarin, bisa diikuti oleh steemian dari mana pun berada, baik yang terdaftar di oracle-d maupun yang belum terdaftar. Hari pertama telah berlangsung dengan sangat-sangat sukses, seperti laporan yang dirilis oleh @oracle-d di sini.

Oya, aku juga kemarin merilis postingan tentang pengumuman kontes ini ke dalam bahasa Indonesia agar dapat menjangkau lebih banyak lagi teman-teman steemians dari Indonesia, untuk turut berpartisipasi. Bagi yang ingin baca pengumuman kontes dalam versi bahasa Indonesia ini, bisa diakses di sini.

And, am so excited to see the solidity and great collaboration acted by steemians in participating the voting action, in regard to push STEEM to sit on the first spot on NETCOINs. From whales to minnow, from here and there, around the world, steemians and fan of STEEM show their full support by voting STEEM, every day. My self, as this is the third day, means that I have did the vote for 3 times, since one email only can be use to vote for one time, daily. I am truly excited to see that STEEM reach the THIRD place on the list per today! Yeaayy!!!

Dan..., kebersamaan para steemians dalam mendukung STEEM agar berhasil maju ke puncak dan duduk manis di tempat teratas, terbukti dengan berhasilnya STEEM per hari ini menempati kursi ketiga di dalam list kontestan. Yeaaayy! Aku sendiri, sudah melakukan tiga kali postingan per hari ini. Jadi tuh, voting hanya bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan satu hari satu kali saja untuk setiap alamat email. Jadi untuk melakukan voting berikutnya, maka kita harus menanti hari berikutnya.

I do believe that as steemians, we love steem and hoping to see steem sit on the first spot on Netcoins, and I am pretty sure that you already did the same as what I did in supporting STEEM. Aren't you? :)

Ops! Some of you didn't aware about this campaign? No worries! You still have the opportunity to join in. I quite sure that by your support, we will be able to push STEEM to go to the top! Let's do it!

Aku tuh yakin banget, bahwa sebagai steemians, kita pasti ingin donk agar STEEM bisa masuk dan duduk di posisi teratas dalam link kontesnya NETCOINs, dan ini tentunya akan ngefek ke semakin terpandang dan berharganya STEEM kan?

Eits, kalian ada yang belum ngeh tentang kontes ini? Ya ampun. Tapi jangan kuatir deh. Kalian masih bisa banget untuk turut serta dalam kampanye ini, deh, dan pastinya, keikutsertaan kalian akan semakin memberi peluang bagi STEEM untuk naik peringkat dan berada di pundak! Yuk, ikutan yaa!

How to do it?/Caranya gimana?

Have a look on my short video.

Lihat video yang aku bikin ini dan ikuti aja caranya. Mudah banget kok! Oya, kalo ga bisa 'nangkap' link kontesnya, kalian bisa langsung akses di sini aja.

Follow the instruction shown there, and if you feel difficult to get the link of the contest, just click here.

Earn Rewards beside helping Steem to move up.

Selain mendukung STEEM kalian juga bisa dapat Rewards nih, dari aksi ini!

Yes, exactly! Oracle-D team are running a contest now! The task is simply-easy. You don't have to think a lots to make the articles, just show your love and support by go to the link of contest here, scroll down to find 'STEEM', add your email address and confirm the link they sent to verified your email. Then, vote well done! So simple right?

Yup, betul banget. Jadi selain kita support STEEM agar naik peringkat, untuk kita sendiri, akan diberi apresiasi berupa vote oleh tim Oracle-D, loh! Caranya mudah banget! Cukup berkunjung ke link [kontesnya, lalu kalian skroll down sampai nemu "STEEM", masukkan alamat email, dan konfirmasi link yang dikirimkan via email tersebut, lalu VOTE deh! Mudah kan?

Jangan lupa, skrinsut bukti vote tersebut, dan lampirkan pada kolom komentar postingan Oracle-D yang [ini](( agar bisa dapatkan upvote dari mereka.

Eits, don't forget to screenshot your vote, and submit it into the column of comment of Oracle-D post [here]( to get their upvote.

Or, if you wanna have more rewards, make an article, talk about the campaign and encourage steemians to participate in the contest, to support STEEM go to the top and be listed on NETCOINs. Include your screenshot of voting to proof your support is MUST!

Dan, jika kalian ingin upvote lebih, maka kalian bisa bikin artikel yang menjelaskan tentang kontes ini, dan sertakan bukti keikutsertaan kalian dalam mendukung STEEM. Iya, masukkan skrinsutnya di dalam postingan kalian.

So, let's take the action, start by now/continue your voting action. The VOTING CLOSES OCTOBER 20th, 11:59 PM PST. Let's have STEEM sit on the FIRST Spot on NETCOINs!

My Support So Far.

And am excited to do it again tomorrow. Lol. Let's do this @ammachemist, @owner99 @foways @fararizky @ettydiallova! Together we can!

Al, Bandung, 17 October 2018
Let's Steem to the Moon!

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