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RE: Steemian List of Assets Stolen by Hive

in #steem4 years ago

Ohhh, is that maybe why I didn't get the airdrop? Because after my 3-hour protest vote, I declined to vote for anyone(due to lack of transparency/trust/etc). Is it because I was voting for no one then? I don't know why these people can't just be open and honest about things. Promises walked back. Stories constantly changing. How hard is it for them to say they used centralized power to decide who was worthy to be gifted and who was not?

Any system that punishes counter-opinions is a dangerous one.

I followed the very suggestion of acidyo(who was/is a witness-OCD) to vote for no one as a compromise of sorts (now that's kind of comical isn't it?). I actually thought it was a good idea, and it seemed like a fair solution given the situation.

All this time, I thought they were holding a grudge for my 3 hour vote weeks ago or my constructive criticism.

After I found out I was blacklisted with Hive, I admit, I did vote all of Justin's witnesses. What was left for me to do at that point? Goodness.

I like how in the press they are saying Hive only locked Justin Sun's stake out (and his affiliates). I guess now I am an affiliate of Justin Sun?

Man, what a bunch of cowboys. Who doesn't consult legal council/a corporate lawyer before cloning/copying a chain(and copying people's intellectual content) and copying the name of another crypto business?

This is one of the reasons I wanted to remove all my content from Hive. I don't want my name or content used to promote something I don't support. I can't in good faith support it with everything I've seen. I know some good people are going to be caught in the crossfire, but everyone is responsible for the decisions on where they stand. These decisions have repercussions. I wish people would think for themselves instead of just following the herd.

None of this would have happened if they hadn't hard forked Justin out of his stake in the first place. They were the first to commit a hostile action.

They painted it like Justin started it. But all Justin did was buy Ned's stake. Why blame Justin? It simply makes no sense. I mean, they could have blamed Ned a long time ago and other whales/witnesses for centralizing the chain. It didn't suddenly "become" centralized overnight. It was already designed that way.

They pushed Justin in a corner and forced this into an issue. And, so it became an issue. What else did anyone expect?!

If you take that kind of money away from me, I am going to take action to protect myself and my interests too. And, I will still do it even if I am nice. It's normal.

What did they expect? That Justin would do "nothing"? Really?

I just don't get it. None of it makes any sense.

This chain was centralized already. It was designed that way. Justin did not design the chain.

I could go on for days, haha.



Thank you very much for your detailed comment in which all your thoughts are very well comprehensible.

I could go on for days, haha.

Me too. But I'm so tired of that mess!

Stay blessed, bye bye.

Dear @spoke

Thank you for your delegation to @project.hope :)

Cheers, Piotr

Yeah, no kidding right> What a mess.
I've been spending time outside, hiking in the mountains, working on my garden.
We need to enjoy our lives.
Stay blessed.

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