RE: Laser engraved custom diamond silver Steem pendents and diamond chain male or female style (chain custom from headcorner aka heartsndiamond on IG, contact me exclusively for price of pendents, I have EOS pendents and Bitshares and Bitcoin coming. Rep 50+
you sure your not jewish? lol @headcorner will make new ones for you if you want, he will use "real" high quality stones , hes the best, gotta have real custom jewelry for women now, that we as men design in 3d, now the standard of humanity is higher, like my higher self
llol wtf you want fake blue diamonds? thats tacky
you would know i predicted this contrast problem and mentioned contrast to TSVjewelers if you were actually present during all the process at all like i requested and you denied,
please offer solutions not obvious problems
and no compliments for spending my own taxed Bitpay dollars to buy an ad for a cryptocurrency that you invested into after I joined and paved a road to Africa or El Dorado... speaking of going to try to go to steem fiesta to meet fyrstikken and build the triforce of power
no more secret steem societies with CIA patsy Ned the 5% simulation Jerry that hides his mercedes from us
im just a disabled tourrettes syndrome kid
im just a kid...
dis abled aascended reptillian