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RE: PenguinPablo just answered a question I have been wondering for months, how much liquid steem is on exchanges, answer is 49 million! + New Steem/USDT Pair on Huobi is almost 20% of Steem's Trading Volume, but only quarter million dollars in 24hr volume.

in #steem6 years ago

remember, we just have to sell 49 million steem or around lets just say 80 million US dollars worth of steem, and get it powered up! I think if we all start making beautiful profdessional videos and animations and infographcis appealing to thsoe who may work in investment funds or media companei sor even banks or schols or universities or whtever, to inevst in Steempowerm we coudl totally get that much steem sold!

evenif we just appeal to CRYPTo investors, theres TOTALLy 80 million dollars out there in crypto

HAH wait we dont nee dbanks or big investors

we just need 80 million peopel to invest 1 dollar each! HOLY COW (no offense lol) but I JUST relaied if just 8 million peopleput in 10 dollars each WOAH if just 80 millionaires or just 800 100,000 airs or just 8000 peopel puyt 10,000 in right? or just 800,000 people put in 100 dolars or just 80,000 people putting in 1,000 dollars
i like that oine man, 80,000 people putting in 1000 dollars can allow them to buy up the remaining 49 million steem which will cost them aproxxx $80 million dollars at the moment.... of course those nmumbers are a little rough but its CLOSE enough to SHOW you all that you only need around 80 thousand new OR existing users to invest 1000 dollars each into steem, proboibly each getting themselves around 700 or so steem each.... that would also distribute s much steem so widely it would be the healthesit thing FOR steem

We would all benefit so much mroe from having 80,000 userseach investing 1000 to buy up the remanining 49 million liquid steem on exchanges available toi buy
but of course im not evenm considering that as soon as justa few million steem are bought the price will go up, so youd have to start buying up that steem slowly but as the volume of steem is lets see... 1.3 million dollars over last 24 hours traded in steem, so you see? in just 80 days or so you could have the volume needed to buy up all that steem, and its not just one account im talking about remmeber, its 80,000 accounts all bhuying up 1000 steem each andmaybe they all buy it on differente xchanges spreading out this demand

i dunno i still suppose it would have to drive that price up slowly but even if it did you could still complete this plan and peopel would just have to start spenmding double or triple like 2000 or 3000 or 4000 or more to get the rest of that 1000 steem they woulkd be trying to buy of they did it slowly hahaah well no way theres gonanbe such a coordinated buy fo steem

it will be organic natural and the first few pumps would drive an organic market rish from epopel all trying to buy it to hold as along or short term investment, so many new crypto investor slooking for something to hold. and many of them wiull be naturals and wont well nomatte rhow low it gets, many people just buy and forget or they power up and they hey they cANt sell!

this power up stopping u from sleling i why steem is so powerful! it is teh REASOn steem works so well! peopel CANNOT power down short of 13 weeks so no oen bothers to even try selling or trading, we just accuimulate and just use our Upvotes tio pay Ourselves if we need cash or we sell our upvortes or lease or SP if we need Liquid! also u can always power down a Tiny amount, powering down doenst have to be everything u can poiwer down 1% or whatever you want, but I still dont ever do it :) SP is a long term accumulationa nd i feel GOOD knowing i never need to bother poweringd own to sell evenb while its high because by teh time i start poweringdoiwn its probly too late tos ell anyway! the goal is to get steem top PLATEAU and STAY higha nd IT WILL land on a mountain top! iT WILl ist all supplya nd demand!

iof enuf steempoweris powered up and enough userds fight for all the steem we WILL see steem go into the $1000+ range even $2500 isnt far off when u consider we could power up all but less than 1% f all steem untill supply is just quarter of amillion or 100K steem then haha imagien teh world fighting over just 100K liquyid steem tpo trade etc! peopel would have to wait for teh steem given out in the reward pooL!

steem is gonn eb SO VALUABLE but when its hiogh it will be agame! While its high priced we all muyst take care NOT to sell off too much,m we can power cdown just we cant sell, :D we should get used to BUYING PRODIucTS with our steem DIRECTLY so we dont have to actually SELLL it and push the price down!


Thanks for all these deep insights and now it's time to attract more people towards Steem and hopefully we will see those 80000 users. And yes, it's all about the supply and demand and days will come when Steem will scarce and at that moment Steem will be on the top. Stay blessed. 🙂

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