Just created a Social media Promotion for Steem sadly i can't tell steemians about it because too many cheaters will just grab a second account and a few cents worth of tokens for themselves

in #steem5 years ago

I was about to show everyone a post i made about a social media promotion

If I start giving out accounts , steemians themselves will come try grabbing multiple and steal them from people who actually need a first account

The problem is we are stuck with the same group of scumbags on steem and we have to outnumber them with new users and more people buying larger stakes.

This won't be a problem after we have more users onbaorded but the sad fact is i have heard NOTHINg from @steemit @steem @elipowell @steemitblog about actual onboarding plans just some fluff about imaginary SMts that no one cares about now that we have our own SMTs and they are just as valid as the "real' SMTs lol, but just wait untill every steem-engine token is also an EOSIO token on newdex. Steem-ENgine's SteemP and ENG itself can also be added to EOS and NEWDEX something the SMTs wont't ever be able to do because steemit inc would never allow it.

I have a plan that no one else was innovative enough to come up with, and it includes integrating steem engine with EOS and when you think it through, it makes perfect sense. No one else was able to think of this plan because very few people have an interest in both steem AND EOS without trying to forsake one for the other. VERY few people like myself have the strategic vision to understand why Steem and EOS can and will work together no matter what @ned @elipowell or @dan larimer have to say.

Theonly people we have to thank for keeping steem ALIVE is aggroed and steem-engine and Im not talking price that is meaningless right now but eventually the price will go up if ned keeps selling his steemit inc stake and we finally reach a point where there is no one left to sell.. IT MAY HAVE JUST HAD to TAKE this LONG... because TOO MANY weak handed people had TOO MUCH steem, and for whatever reason they lost confidence due to not being enough of an insider. But those people were living in a fantasy world, because anyone who knows anything about stem IS OK with steemn going to 1 penny

(This image shows what I am talking about but with Bitcoin which is 10 while steem is only 3)

(The first few years BTC struggled to get over $12 SO i must remind you steem has been over $8 at its Jan 2018 ATH)

WE ALL ARE OK with steem going to 1 penny because we can then buy it back up to 10 cents, FOMO others into pushing that 10 cents back to 20 cents wheer it is now and then when a new piechart shows a more evenly distributed steem, we can finally bring in new investors who were just weary of the previous richlist. Steem can get to $0.01 and below like Golos but then unlike golos we are on REAL exchanges and can afford to get that lwo for a few moments before MASSIVE buy orders come rushing in to fill the ga like vacuum sucked out of a space ship!

WE WILl see steem bounce back if it goes that low WE WONT see that garuntee with golos. So when we see Steem go down to lets say 7 cents, a certain whale named fyrstikken who makes it clear he is proud of his 7 cent entry point PROBABLY wont let others buy in where he bought and he will most likely buy ABOVE 7 cents maybe 10 or maybe RECENTLY at 20 cents, because WHY should he let ANYONE else buy steem as cheap as HE once got it in march 2017 when he bought over 700K I believe.

THAT is one reason we will see steem stay ABOVE the 7 cent mark ;) Mughat also expressed interest in buying at 5 cents and thats WHY fyrstikken bought at 7 to prevent mughat's entry as a whale :D hh its hilarious really and an exampele of why you shouldn't tell people about large trades until AFTER you make them!

SO make sure you understand that theer ARE whales ready to buy steem CHEAP and theyve invested TOO much tiem and would look bad if steem dropped too low, so they will buy for PRIDE's sake, BUT its also one of the BEST blockchains and is even cheaper and faster than EOS which cant operate the way i can with steem which even SCALES EOSIO tokens like EOS ANX and PSO to EOSp ANXp and PSOp allowing me to conduct massive airdrops I couldnt afford on the eos main net

NOW https://Steem-Engine.com has allowed us to give out tokens and @banjo by @inertia has allowed us to send said tokens over discord. My secret social media campaign was not over discord BUT I will also be USINg discord and its phone verification as one more filter between teh scammers and us. I will also have people APPLy for steemit by writing their introduction post before i gift them a free steem account.

I wont make people pay for a steem account if i can help it but I will make it difficult enough to deter people wanting multiple and using existing systems like discord and requiring phone verification is a great start, I can then go on other social media like TWITTER and offer the accounts over DM , so no email is needed and I can offer them to verified twitter accounts with plenty of pro crypto activity.

In conclusion I need help from anyone reading, on how to find people who NEED steem accounts, and IT IS NOT ENOUGH to just know friends or family who WANT one, I have given out too many accounts to people who either dont post at all or just make one post and never again because they didnt make $100 in a week like they wanted. This is why I will only give accounts to people who will post or at least trade or use their account EVERYDAY

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63618.84
ETH 2623.39
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.78