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RE: Pre-Release: HF19 Linear Rewards!

in #steem7 years ago

Awesome, excited about this hardfork!

Thought I'd post a snip from this comment by @vandeberg which I've had to link to many users lately when talking about the linear curve and noticed it helped them understand it better.

Link to comment if text not readable.


Thats a nice visible way of showing it!

Or if you are using google chrome you can right click the picture and select open image in the new tab.

It should work with other browsers too!

And this is without factoring in the "vote impact" change... right? So a single %100 vote will actually be worth 4x this (in a vacuum of course)

The HF will mean a more powerful vote, but it won't be 4 times more powerful, at least not in terms of price.

It will be 4x more powerful in terms of the number of rshares you're contributing to the post, but that won't result in 4x the payout because other voters are contributing a lot more rshares as well. The size of the reward pool isn't changing, so when more rshares are chasing the same about of money, the value of those rshares decrease. Henceforth, you're contributing 4x the rshares per vote, but those rshares do not result in 4x the payout.

How much the value of a vote will increase is hard to figure out. It will be less than 4x, but more than it is now. My best guess would be somewhere around 2x. That's assuming all else remains equal. Will the no-vote-for-whales pact stay around or will that go away with the new rewards curve? If whales start voting again, we might even see a drop in the amount our vote is worth.

Here's a good post from 8 months ago explaining the upcoming changes (although, I don't agree with everything he says).

But the point of it isn't to increase power. The point of it is to even out the influence between people who vote casually and accounts which vote 40+ times per day. If it is easier to reach our limit, it is easier to compete with bots.

Great answer!

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