1 reason to change powerdown from 13 weeks to 1

in #steem6 years ago

Now I personally prefer 13 weeks, but I had a friend propose a company for outside investors who do not have the time to do things themselves and would want a custodian to take care of their Steem and either put them to good use or lock them up for interest.

After going through a lot of his points and why Steem would be the perfect blockchain for that, the only issue that we landed on in the end as to propose crypto investments/interests to outsiders who may not know how they work exactly or why. That was the power down timer.

To be able to offer a customer one of the biggest returns from their stake on our platform, you'd have to delegate the stake either to a bid bot or similar. Since there have been so many scams like Bitconnect lately seeming too good to be true and ending with actually not being true, the speed of how fast customers can pull out their investment if they so choose is limited. 5 days to get back your undelegation and then 13 weeks to power 100% down, since they don't know better it may seem like red flags to them.

So what are the disadvantages to a shorter power down? Instead of 13 weeks it would be 7 days similar to the time you need to fill in your account recovery if you've gotten hacked.

Savings is 3 days which already is quite sufficient and hasn't proved to be a problem to anyone, meaning they've probably gotten their password reset in time through account recovery for the hacker to steal them before the 3 days are over, but that's just a guess.

Anyway, with a 1 week powerdown someone could offer these services with that included and there would not be a lot of backlash and questions from investors if they can pull out whenever they want within max 12 days (undelegation+powerdown).



Graded SP would be cool Premium Normal and Dilluted. All have different amounts of RC/Mana given and different out going conversion times. Upgrade to higher level immediate, but lower down and similar to powerdowns.
Confusing yes! useful maybe? Impossible no!

Posted using Partiko Android

If the interface was done right I don't even think it would be that confusing, especially to serious investors. Great idea.

Agreed 100%, although 1 or 2 days, would be even better, as the 13 weeks is the main reason I have never invested a large amount of money in here, it is simply not flexible enough when you play with outside markets & you want to take advantage of a peak or dip. Even a 24 hour period, would for me, be ideal.

Yeah, with some penalties in RC and VP in that case so it can't be "double spent" which is the reason to unelegation taking 5 days AFAIK.

Yes by all means penalties for spent or voted SP, that would be perfectly reasonable to those of us that want to invest, though still play the markets, I hope your message gets read by stinc, I know you are respected on this platform, so here is hoping. :-)


Could be a solution?

I think that to overcome the need for greater liquidity, some people as your friend may have, it's better to build a rapid disinvestment system based on a penalty consisting of the cost of renting the SP of the 12 installments subsequent to the first.
That is, the system will have to recover (from the market?) 12 SP rentals, each with a duration of 1 to 12 weeks each.
Do you think it makes sense?

I have some questions by this, the main ones being:

  1. What “investor” said this?
  2. When did investing become something which should equate with easy liquidity?

Or do you mean people who mostly do this:


The whole idea of “investing” with easy liquidity as this concept offers, is the same as allowing investors — I mean accredited or institutionalized investors — to exit when a company has a poor quarter or needs to pivot.

You know who has pivoted? Instagram, Uber, AirBnB, Grab is in a “constant pivot” just to name a few of the more known ones.

You know who has constantly ran poor quarters? FB for years, Amazon for more than a decade, Twitter, Medium just to name a few ones.

You could definitely add many more we all know to both lists.

I think the biggest issue is a mix up between “short term profit focus” and “investing” here.

Aside from the bidbots model offering ludicrous APR — which is required because there is no core model nor value behind it and volatility drives is, the fast liquidity model does avoid that anybody would ever try to focus on building long term.

How can you build any business if you don’t know if your backing is pulled over night or not?

You can’t.

If any “investor” can do that, then they’re not investing in anything. They’re merely increasing their profit margin. Then you build an economy where builders eventually need to resort to the model of “getting a mortgage” because it provides the stability required to build. No matter which cost.

The main idea was to offer daily returns such as @ocdb to investors who don't necessarily want to know what exactly is happening with their Steem they've invested in as long as it provides them the daily ROI + be able to withdraw the funds whenever they want.

Right now it would take 5days+13 weeks to liquidate everything so they'd have to take a chance at when they start the powerdown which during it would only get your curation rewards or ROI by selling it through smartsteem market.

You will notice that most “investors” will not mind locking in their funds for longer period of time. Yes, of course, as fund manager you need a solid contract then. Many will even pay a fee for managing their funds too.

Yes, times are changing and this is an unregulated stock market mostly.

There definitely is a model achievable. Whether it is a healthy one or a card house, that’s a different debate.

“They’d have to take a chance” is as much a protection as an inconvenience to them.

If you offer a high ROI there’s probably going to be inconveniences in the model as well. Most know that.

the problem I can see from the 1 week powerdown proposal is that, the steem price will crash really fast if the big whales power down.


That's not always a bad thing, our market could use some more volume and bigger buy and sell walls.

This is actually happening only with steem...
How about the rest of the crypto out there? None has 13 weeks period to have your funds available.
If something is meant to crush it will... at times I think the whole 13 powerdown thing is just an excuse...

Steem is different from other crypto. I can purchase 100million steem, then power them all up, upvote all my posts and comments, then power all down. I will make nice profit just keep taking advantage of 1 week power down.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Mate, I know what you mean...but trust me if anyone ever purchases 100 mill steem it won't be about blogging...
Some people keep on doing exactly that as we speak without the need of powering down...

for the outsiders just trying out steem they could just rent steempower through something like blocktrades. then they are never forced to wait 13 weeks for powerdowns and they can test out what level of sp they need for their personal use.

Yeah but not owning SP means you get a lot less ROI from it.

Well, in this comment I have developed the idea of a possible automatic QuickPowerDown system that does what you said.

I don't know why but the idea of the chance of pulling out all your SP in one go fills me with horror. I can understand from the point of an investor wanting a safety out but maybe I have been conditioned into the way things are for too long to be objective about it!

The safety for an investor is knowing that the team will still be there tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. That is why founders, and also employees, have vesting terms.

The safety for a team to build is knowing that the rug on which they ride their rollercoaster isn’t pulled under their feet tomorrow.

Well my biggest fear on steemit atm is that Steem will rise to like 5$ a piece, and by the time I get to powerdown some of my steem the price will go down again.

It's indeed a good idea. 13 weeks is honestly PIA.

Even though big investors don't have a single reason to power up their steem (unless of course they want to blog etc) 13 weeks for a full powerdown is a century in the crypto world...

1 - 2 weeks would be ideal...

If they want a short-medium tern investment betting on Steem being more than current price then and at the same time earn the same interest as some other users do through delegation to things such as @ocdb which gives like 18% APR.

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