Faith In Commentary

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Some words on frequent support of my comments. I can hear 'shhh, don't say anything and carry on!' whilst looking for the words for this blog, but I'm going to ignore those and hope what comes is seen in the right light.....


As you have likely noticed, for the past week or so many of my comments have been supported by fulltimegeek's army of bots. I don't really like the word 'army', as they are used to heal, support, and at times, go on the offensive, 'cleaning' the blockchain of content deemed unfitting by their owner - maybe 'collection' of bots is better.

Anyway, they are currently following my comments, and a number of other accounts' commentary, with a supportive vote that often becomes 4/5/6 supportive votes. At face value, and value being a suitable word this time, this is very nice to have as far as account growth goes. In-between Posting, which I don't do every day, I am earning a little STEEM through engagement on content. And as a supporter of engagement, you could say this is quite fitting.

But what if what I just wrote on your post is a bunch of rubbish and is sat at the top of the comments for all to see?

I have this fear!

Fear that you won't like me any more, and that I've ruined your careful rewarding(ordering) of comments. And also, fear of jealousy when people see my nonsensical comment above their excellent response.

I'm sure it's on some people's minds and I have been asked a couple of times 'how to get on the list'. No-one has had a go at me for being auto-placed at the top of their Post comments though, yet...

This morning I have had a conversation on Exyle's latest post regarding Worker Proposals. I had only just woken up (inserts first excuse), and though'd I'd have a go at answering some of his questions. If you take a look over there, you'll see some reasonably verbose comments from us both, including Mark concluding that i'm not making sense - or at least contradicting myself.

The fulltimebot's have arrived to support my comments, and I have tried to respond the best I could, but what if it is a load of false information and nonsensical garbage?

What if other visitors see those comments and are like - that's just crap, and look at all those votes, thinking, pffft, my comment was far better?

Time to be honest, what do you think about it?

Am I over-thinking? Does this have 0 impact on your day, or are you secretly in a huff?

fulltimegeek. And eternal thank you for your support, and I'm sorry If i come across as an ungrateful git.

I should go back to bed and get that extra hour I spent commenting this morning :)

Unlikely though, I've just received email confirmation of a Skype interview due to happen next Tuesday. Woop! I think!



Thank you for writing this :') I suddenly seem to be part of his army and I love the fact that I'm being picked somehow, and the mystery of it all, why me, why now, and I'm grateful that someone wants to support me and my activity on Steem.

But once this week I left a comment and I was like 'shit I hope this doesn't get on top of the discussion now' because it was a shit comment just for fun and would surpass all kinds of very reasonably well-written comments :')

Anyway, love the positivity, and I have no idea why the bots are on comments now, maybe a more even spread and even more continuous than on posts? I know that months ago when FTG announced his bot army he mentioned making this many bots because he loved the idea that you would get many upvotes instead of one big one...


These comments have worked out well - a chance for people to show some deserved appreciation for FTG :)

haha @ paragraph 2, I have had those thoughts too, and I guess they were in my mind when thinking about this post.

Yeah, the votes on posts encourage.. Posts, but the votes on comments encourage engagement - and I think the 2nd is more important for the community than the race to put out the paid content. He's on the ball for sure :)

Yes, he's clearly taking a pro-engagement stand here :D Lovely! Being able to grow in between the bigger posts is certainly very welcome <3

I think you have proved yourself Asher to be a non shit comment person. I, like yourself am benefiting from FTG's generosity and greatly appreciate it.

He's not going to send the bot's to people who create crap and I think everyone can see that. Don't worry about it.

I'm glad to hear you've been blessed also, the list seems quite large, which is great :)

So you don't feel 'worried' at all that your comments are standing out?

I shall try to worry less, and just get on with it :)

I tend to vote any comment that is worth its salt, you could say the same thing about the comments that I vote up? It's not like we can refuse them, nor would I want to.

Yeah, I like voting on comments on other posts, written by folks I don't know that have made a good point. Likely they wont even notice the vote, but I think it's a good approach nonetheless.

You're fine by me my dear friend. Yo heck with snyone else who may be offended. You didnt ask for his "community" bots to upvote just is. To me, it would be like being upset at someone for something they have no control over. And besides you do so much great stuff here you deserve support, even if it is automated. I love you brother. And thank you for everything you do here and for being who you are. Please, never change for anyone but yourself. I hope you have a great weekend.

Wow, thank you John! A very welcome start to the comments here!

You are right, I didn't ask, but don't want others to feel annoyed/jealous, and of course, not to offend the sender of these blessings also.

Have a great wekend too, thanks again!

You are right, I didn't ask, but don't want others to feel annoyed/jealous, and of course, not to offend the sender of these blessings also.

About one year ago, you and @davemccoy gave me a delegation to help me speed my way to 500SP so I could get the vote slider and make my voting easier. I did learn how to use steemworld vote slider prior to that. It was a gift from and dave and was not asked for and was very much appreciated. One year ago I had no idea why you would do that for me, I was still pretty new.

About one month ago, some one sent me a blocktrades delegation, I think I know who, but am not 100% sure, I sent a memo to blocktrades to ask if a mistake was made, no response back. I have asked dave and @fulltimegeek why the support, and have totally given up on dave taking his delegation back.

I still get comment votes from him also, I did read his change post about voting comments. I wish I could vote on more comments, I wish the price of steem would go up so I could cast a rewardable vote on a comment, I know a few people will pick up on a comment vote I leave that does not quite make it above the dust threshold, but I really really hate having to have a follow up vote. So I mostly am relegated to voting at 50% on post that get a payout, and 100% for those few I find enjoyable that do not have a payout yet.

I think that people are aware of the votes, I think it is fantastic that comments are being voted on for a lot of people, like I said above I wish I could vote more comments. With the current price of steem, I see it as a reminder to people that yes comments can be voted on, and are as important to the structure and strength of steem and steemit environment as post and blogs are.

So - - Don't Sweat it


He's a good egg is Mr McCoy, as is the spark behind many of my actions here the past year or so. I got lucky, and I wanted to pay that forward to those who were trying to do their bit.

The awesome thing is that like you, so many of the people I (and FTG prior) delegated to are still here, and many have created follow up projects of similar ilk.

FTG started a positive movement, and showed me that there was value here in working hard and showing generosity. It grew my network, and helped retain some good people. The project cost him a lot financially, but there will likely be nothing that ever comes close to the selfishness of that work and what it did for me and a nice portion of the engaged community.

Sweat over, cheers :)

yes, and the retention is something that people need to look at and see. And the gift keeps giving as those that received the support now try to re pay it by supporting others. Have a great weekend, and I hope the interview goes well. Just watch the bike drinking until it is over. them pills can make one stupid at times.

It could keep you on your toes more to make every comment count! Lol
I agree with what many have said here; the fact that you've been chosen to receive the fulltime upvotes is because you are a good contributor to the Steem community and few people would disagree with that. There are much more useless comments with upvotes going on to take people's attention rather than picking on yours.

I notice that the upvote percentage is reduced now that they are voting comments, so he's probably spreading his votes even more to reach more people this way. This makes sense all around as it isn't giving comments over the top rewards and it's rewarding those actively communicating.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes it is doing a little bit of toe-keeping, but I do try to leave something of value / attempted funny, wherever I go - which sadly, is never far enough.

I think it does make good sense to share around, it must take some time to set the bot gang up and keep track, what a fine gesture though.

Thanks for the kind words @minismallholding :)

Lol.I have had @fulltimegeek bots as well lately. It has had a massive impact on me lately as I have engaged more which is good really. I take more time over what I say and how I respond so they do make you think differently. Maybe you should just wake up first next time before responding and not get sent to the top of the comments on someones blog.

lol, yes, I probably should - maybe pick the 'lighter' topics to begin :)

I take more time over what I say and how I respond so they do make you think differently

Right, I have noticed myself doing this also. It's a little pressure, but a good pressure too as I has made me think a little more (sometimes) about my responses.

Glad to hear you in receipt of support also :)

I think it is a great way of supporting engagement and it definitely changes your approach to how you reply. The support is fantastic and so unexpected.

It really is, and I should stop worrying about what others think. Thanks for the insight :)

Man, don't worry about it. You bring so much community value to Steem(it), you deserve every bot vote you get.

Thanks Man!

I'd be glad to see another comment on your post today hit the top so it will hide my ramblings a little!

Appreciate the chat though, it's a real 'hot potato' subject, and probably not one for first thing in the morning!

I put two above it ;). Always nice chatting with you man.

Thanks! Maybe I'll DV my own comment just to make sure. You too :)

I think you are overthinking and should relax :0)

I have never had an issue with the votes that are cast on any comments on any of my posts unless they are those bot army vote farming ones

Ah good - no issue with votes unless farm army, gotcha :)

Over-thinking, based on comments so far, seems to be the case. I just don't want bad feeling, especially on a Friday!

Yeah man, Friday is for good vibes. Think on this though, if you are worried about that kind of thing it shows your heart is in the right place! :0D

Thanks buddy, there are times I think that having a heart in the right place isn't that important here, but faith is now instantly restored :)

I think the very same at times. But karma and all that ;0)

You are right on with your comment @abh12345 and thanks for spilling about the army...I have it too last few days but never knew where coming from...the army support just adding my craze to engage more...

Posted using Partiko Android

Ahh, good to hear you are being blessed also!

It's certainly an incentive to engage, or engage 'better'. Good luck :)

Thanks Asher..👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey @abh12345 I have a query too..why self voting is kind of not good on Steem. ...? But still many does

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Yes many do, and that's OK.

I think it would not be good if everyone did it, 10x each day. Everyone has a different opinion on how many self-votes is acceptable, some say 10, some say 0 - It is your choice :)

Still why so? Any logic behind that ...way during my starting day, I used to self votes...only on my posts...and when I applied for a community curator role they said I used to self vote....they share me some data kind of pie chart...and since then I kind stopped self voting....and later also on EL it is kind of restriction....but never understood the reason behind it.

There is no restriction. It's just that if no-one shared, it would be a strange looking place.

I think a vote on your post is widely accepted by all, the EL has a small penalty for a selfie, but that's just my League, and not the rules of Steem. Feel free to do as you wish!

Haha..I know it's all your castle....but that rejection from community curator still haunts me...nothing else.....👍 Thanks for helping

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That is a strange one, but I wont push you to name names :) No worries!

Okay, @abh12345.

How about this.

—People's stake are people's stake. They're free to do what they will with it, which means if they want to spread it out and build it over dozens of alt accounts that they manage to automate, too, that's their thing. If they think they can help others this way, then that is also their thing, and more power to them for trying to do something good.

—What others do or don't do with their stake is not a reflection on anyone else. If they choose to help some people and not others, that's their choice. If they choose to spread their vote out over hundreds of people, that's their choice. Having a person behind bot accounts who is at least trying to be selective, and in my opinion, accomplishing it, is far better than others buying their own upvotes or just letting their upvotes go to whatever with a thought of what it may be supporting.

—Comments are woefully undervalued. Every day, hundreds if not thousands go unnoticed, let alone upvoted, sufficiently or otherwise to get over the dust threshold. As one who easily writes more characters in a week on comments than on posts, even in a down week, I put just as much thought in my responses as I put in my posts. Some of them could be posts.

I've been on the receiving end of the fulltimebot accounts. They've seemed to be selective in the comments they've supported (it's certainly not been every comment), and while a few have been jacked up somewhat, most have been $0.10 or less. So, if there's not been curation going on, it's been random enough in my case that I could only guess at what was happening.

I'd rather have fulltimegeek's accounts upvoting then flagging. Not just his, but anyone with large SP and/or more than one account. I think more positive good happens from supporting those who are trying to produce quality content and engage, then flagging those who might not be. A lot of time and energy gets spent with flagwars, a lot of ill will results, and in the end, except in those cases where reputations are ruined, the fairer fights between 'whales' that go on here don't seem to resolve anything.

Thanks Glen

Spot on with your points about it being folks stake to do with as they wish, and the fact that commentary is very undervalued - the lifeblood of engagement no less!

And yes, some of them could be posts - like the one I'm replying to, and hitmeasap's further up.

I think more positive good happens from supporting those who are trying to produce quality content and engage, then flagging those who might not be.

I take your point. One thing a flag can do is provide a positive for the everyone producing 'quality' content via pull back of pending rewards to the pool.

Well the replies here have been really great, I'm feeling good and unworried today. Cheers :)

Nice to hear you're okay with what I said, @abh12345. When I didn't hear back from you, there was a part of me that wondered if I was preachy sounding or something, or just restating the obvious. Sometimes, though, it's good to get back to basics, so that's where I went.

re: flags

I keep reading how people say that, and in theory, I'm with you all. That would be fine if that's where it stopped. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Feelings get hurt, there's generally some collateral damage to innocent bystanders, and it can very quickly lead to even the innocence not being able to post anymore, or at least have it all grayed out.

I really wonder how this would work offchain. You have a company selling products, and then all of a sudden, someone comes in and takes a chunk out of their sales, before they even receive the money. Sure there's a taxing authority that comes by and takes a chunk, but that's usually after the fact and the company can decide whether or not to send the tax money or hold onto it (and face the consequences).

Here, we say with flags, you don't deserve what you're getting. And for it to make any difference, it has to be a higher stake account. So even with dozens if not hundreds of upvotes (however, they arrived—not all are going to be bots in all instances), the higher SP is saying "some of you don't know what you're talking about."

And I imagine it's not only the author that gets hit, but also the curators. So, I don't know. We're all used to the idea that if you want to consume, you pay. If you don't, then you don't pay. You might try to spread the word and let people know you don't like the product or service, and they might lose revenue that way, but as far as I know, no one is coming by and taking away a chunk of the incoming money before it arrives.

Looks like I'm working on another post length comment here. Better stop. :)

I take your point. Sadly in that off-chain place you speak of, there is a lot of collateral damage in love and war, and the same happens here.

That is my rather weak response to your 2nd post-like comment on my blog :)

You gotta love the FTG Army


Brill :D :D

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