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RE: [Research] Polio: It's Still Here

in #steem-stem6 years ago

I'm so sorry about the condition with the triplets. All three of them...these stories make me sick. So much heartache that could've been avoided if only there was truthfulness instead of assumption...

Yes, I have read about vax detox, though thankfully it's not a necessary thing to try in our home since it's not an issue for our kids and Ben and I were both vaccinated back when we only got a few.

I've had the same discussion with close family members. For me, the vaccine research began with the stem cells and branched out from there. I ended up knowing we couldn't do alternatives to some vaccines because there were none without the human diploid cells and that was an insurmountable moral objection to us. So then I was on a trail of learning more about vaccination and our choices regarding it and I've ended up going on a long research road since, mostly learning about the diseases themselves and the pros and cons of the different methods of dealing with them. Hence my research into polio, which was the vaccine I bumped into every time I suggested that maybe they aren't as effective as we were originally told. Even people I know who are iffy on vaccines were positive on polio, so I began reading what I could on polio and what it did and where it came from and why it's considered eradicated but the vaccine is still recommended.

I've also learned a lot about tetanus, which was one of my big caveats - "If we get a deep cut/puncture, we really should get a tetanus shot." I've been surprised and relieved by my research because many of the things I assumed to be true about tetanus weren't and I now know what to do if we get a deep cut I'm concerned about.


Thank you for your beautiful and heartfelt response @lturner. Yes it is heartbreaking. It's interesting what motivated people down this path. I wish more would do their research before tragedy forces their eyes open.

I agree: if we could look these things up before bad things happen, it would help.

Tragedy did strike while I was beginning this: my cousin got an MMR booster for high school and immediately developed a known side effect to the vaccine - her body will no longer produce red blood cells without medical help. This happens more frequently in young children and often resolves itself, but after several years it's become apparent that her case is permanent. She'll be on medication for the rest of her life. That's what sent my aunt down this path much faster and stronger than I was going.

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