You deserve freedom as much as I do; How do we use STEEM power to right the wrongs of the old system?

in #steem-promo6 years ago

"There cannot be freedom until one can eat what they prefer instead of what is available"

How do you claim freedom when you always have to think about where the next meal will come from. This is the life of majority of families especially in developing nations where the average man spends lower than $1.5 daily for food.

Easy Blogger Photo.jpg
Image source || This are children who deserve to eat as much anyone

How do you claim freedom when you can't find food for yourself? Is that even a possibility? Let's read this story;
There was a time a wealthy stranger came to a certain land. He asked to see the king and was taken there. When the got there the king had just asked some people to be punished by holding pieces of maize in the sun to dry. The man asked why they were in the hot sun when there were obviously not doing any work. They told him it was the king that punished them and he learnt that was the normal thing in the town.

He went ahead to meet the king and after exchanges of pleasantries and greetings the man decided to caution the king against how he treats his subjects. He cautioned that if he did not treat them with respect they will turn against him some day. The king smiled and said he had something to show him.

The king summoned the elders and asked for a fowl. He then did something that sent shocks down the spine of everyone. What the hell? He was removing the feathers of the fowl whiles it was still alive. The fowl cried out in pain as he continued until no feather was left on the fowl. He then released it and the fowl ran to a safe distance and he started throwing seeds on the floor. The fowl realizing this quickly rushed back to eat. As it begun eating the king stopped throwing the seeds and held the rest in his palm. The fowl after eating all the seeds on the ground jumped on to his laps again to eat from his hand. Everyone was shocked, why on earth did the fowl return after the suffering the king had imposed on it?

The king explain that people were not very different from the fowl. He explained further that if he had no food in his hands the fowl wouldn't be back. People do not need to eat, they have to eat and therefore when you hold their food, you hold them. The wealthy man realized this was what was going on in the town, the people thought they were free but in truth they were just slaves to the king's desires.

As sorrowful as that was it is the truth. There can't be true freedom when a man is hungry. The hungry stomach will do anything for any man to get something to eat. And many people will willingly abuse their power by actually enslaving the people that feed from their hands.

In the time where we have enough food in the world to feed 200 Billion people, almost 1 Billion of the 7 billion people on earth still sleep hungry.

How do Steemit come in?

Well I have seen what people are doing already with @reko and cohorts rescuing food for people on the streets and a lot of projects to empower people as by the @stach foundation. It seem to me like we have a different breed of people on this platform who show true humanity. This is the reason why it is important that we know what is going on in the world so we can know how much we can contribute to a better world.

I personally believe in empowerment than in directly providing the food. As the adage goes "teach the child how to catch fish rather than providing the fish" . I may be able to feed you today but what if I'm not available tomorrow? Providing food directly only kills the symptoms but not the disease hence it is a very temporal solution.

It is in this light that I love steem-promo, when the youth are exposed to the opportunity to use the brain power to make money directly on a platform that already provides all the tools they would need then we can say we are dealing with the problem. I honestly don't know what @dan was thinking when he was building this system but if I look at its future I see a world of true freedom powered by steem....
we continue to walk from room to room telling people how to end the hunger by way of adding value....
WhatsApp Image 2018-01-26 at 10.55.58 PM.jpeg


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"teach the child how to catch fish rather than providing the fish"

This was one of the statements that turned my life around.
It's incumbent upon us to painstaking preach the steemit gospel to all and sundry..that is true humanity.
Thanks for sharing @ehmkannde.

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