Steem Dollars/US Dollar (SBD/USD) Price Charts for Jun 2nd 2017

in #steem-price7 years ago

The value of Steem Dollars for today is $1.90935598 . It has a current circulating supply of 1.42 Million coins and a total volume exchanged of $254,959.6 . Market Cap $2,718,441.8

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Beyond Bitcoin Hangouts

Can someone explain how SD can be worth ~2x more than it 'should'?

The volume in the last 24 hours is 10% of the market cap.. Nothings changed - people are just paying more for a $1 smart contract - I guess you would call it"trading at a premium". Look at the graph below for a 3 month view - the price is green the price of bitcoin is orange - you can see a relationship between the two.. the SBD got bought up probably because everyone is using the same trading software (and not doing their due dilligence) ;)

Awesome news for the Steemit Family. I am sure it will move up more this month.

We can always hope :)

We can always hope :)

Hope is the right word.

Looks like they must forget about pegging it at $1.00 perhaps they can peg it at $2.00


I think we need to forget about the peg and let the free market decide. :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 67364.55
ETH 3256.67
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64