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RE: Steem Music No. 2 Challenge : Can't Help Falling In Love With You

in #steem-music6 years ago

I think we talked about this before, about how talents are those innate abilities that we just have, and I always thought that singing or drawing or even writing, is a talent.

But then yesterday, I was at a training program, and the trainer, Richard, spoke about the subject. To him, he believes that singing, drawing or writing is a skill, because it can be learned. Quite true, because don't we have classes and workshops and coaches on topics?

However, why do some singers, like you (chey...), can sing better than someone who is just going for classes? Doesn't that amount to some form of talent?

Richard's concept is this: you do have a talent, but it's not singing. It's the ability to connect with the song better than anyone else, and translate/infuse that connection into your songs. Same goes to writing, I guess, like how some writers can articulate their thoughts better than others, in a way that connects with the readers.

Aaaaaaannnnyyyyway, still trying to see if even that "talent" can be broken down, so the question is, "How do you form the connection to the song, or any song, for that matter?"

And of course, great cover of a classic!


I find it deeply amusing that people say that I sing better than others because it really took me a while to be here - nevermind that i am still trying to learn and improve and nevermind that I still do have my demons with singing !

So to answer your question about whether singing is a talent : two things.

Singing has always been in my blood- since I started singing since I was 5?

Then to develop stage skills, the confidence to be on stage, to connect with people and the song, all the skills required to be present and comfortable being Jassica are all trainable skills yes...

So, connection with the song - honestly , when that connection is done - and you convey that message to the listener - you're pretty much off and running. So..... good point as always 😂😂 @maverickfoo

Ok, started at 5, and you're like 21 now @jassicania (play with me here), so defo have got the 10,000 hours. Plus your mom's a pro, so that's like a big + in the genes.

Fair enough, agreed on the stage confidence, because as a natural introvert, I can understand how daunting it can be, especially when the audience is expecting a show, and somehow the expectations do get to you in the beginning.

But you gotta give me some credit on the connection to chalk it up as talent, because if not, how lar? Everything can also be broken down and learnable, no fun~~~

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