[STEEM IDEA]Ways to Increase Active Users: Activity Lotto

in #steem-ideas8 years ago (edited)

What Better Way to Boost Activity Than an Activity Lotto!

The activity lotto would be a powered up bot that voted on a random post once an hour.

The lotto will have three positive results that boost activity and support Steem price:

  1. Encourage posting by minnows

    Don't give up you could win Steem activity lotto!
  2. Encourage voting on newbies

    Anyone could win and if you voted for them after 30 minutes you'll get a chunk. Why not vote once an hour just in case.
  3. Encourages newbies to power up

    . Ok I need to explain this one.

How would it cause people to power up? Isn't this just a recipe for spam?

No to prevent spam bots we will require:

  1. Minimum Steem power of $100(or some other threshold)

    I told you it would make sense later.

  2. Minimum reputation of 30 (above the start up but not too high)

    . If you have been flagged you are out!

Steem Activity Lotto will Drive Good Activity and Poweup!

Ok I actually don't know how to do this. We also will need enough Steem power to give at least $1-10 per vote.

Upvote this and maybe we can make it happen!

p.s. No poo poohing the casino effect, it's in the white paper!


I don't like this because a post that deserves to be flagged might be voted up.

Edit: I read too fast and missed the spam prevention part...

That's where the reputation score filter helps. This is a risk with all bots. But if we limited to people who hadn't been flagged much 30 or maybe 40 I think that risk would be low. If you had posted flag worthy material trying to win he lotto it would most likely just flag you and lower your score taking you out of the lotto( casino effect drive activity even if low chance of you winning)

Also, there is nothing to stop curators from down voting an undeserving winner? Like nsfw.

Hmm yea I read a little bit too fast. That would help some, but I'm still not sure I'm wild about the idea.

No one else seems interested. I think we need to be creative on increasing activity or the price will continue to fall.

I would love to play a lotto. I don't know if my reputation would be high enough.

I think 30 is where I would put it . You'd be fine.

I gave you the upvote here, like you asked. However, it's really only in lieu of the vote on my other post. I'm not really into the idea of an activity lottery because I think that only encourages activity, but not necessarily engagement. This is the reason why I started doing the posts the way I do. It encourages people to actively communicate and engage as opposed to follow and upvote swap. I mean if this idea gets noticed and it helps people that's great, I just don't feel it's really the right way to make this site work.

Thanks for the response. We do need to brainstorm ways to lift activity rate. If you look at synereo they realize value is attention not content. We don't reward attention. Only content and to some extent curating but not reading.

Well I've been commenting here and there that I think one of the biggest changes that would help encourage engagement would be to make it easier for users to follow tags/topics instead of just users. I think being able to follow, for example, the "shortstory" tag would help users find specifically what they're looking for instead of having to go to the main feed and go to the tag. I know it's one little step, but it would make things that much easier. This would also help creators reach their correct audience. Someone writing a short story wouldn't be expecting upvotes from the people who follow them only, but now they would be more likely to get votes from the people who are actually interested in consuming their content. It's really just a shortcut for content discovery. Not having to browse through the whole feed, often filled with things you may not be interested in, would help everyone have a better time browsing the site. The regular trending and all feeds would still be there, just not the primary feed shown.

I agree. I think that's harder to do though. We need a following tag feature. Maybe all we need is a bot that immediately repost links to all content with a particular header posted in last minute. Then you could follow that bot and at least get the links. We could have short story bot etc.

Just want to let you know I haven't forgotten about this idea for a feedbot, and maybe the idea for a lottery. I just need to find some time to code it up, been especially sleep deprived this week working on SteemDown updates, SP giveaway, and Steemit EasyEdit. Even so, I'm thinking how to do all the interfacing, infrastructure, servers, databases, and other things needed to implement this.

The bot isn't a bad idea actually. If I had any idea how to set up a bot I'd probably look into it. Maybe someone else will read this and do it...

Sorry, missed your memo! There is an application called SteemWatch that might be helpful in this regard. However, I have no idea how many know about it or actively use it.

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