Steem blockchain downloading unbelievably slowly

in #steem-help7 years ago

I finally figured out why steemd wasn't building on my Ubuntu machine, but I still feel only marginally closer to having a functioning Steem node. When I launch steemd, at the very beginning, it downloads the blockchain fairly quickly. But then I leave it and go do something else and come back 8 hours later, and I find it somewhere in August or September of 2016 (I'm almost to block 5,000,000), just craaaaawling along. It's still downloading, but my download rate is just tiny - like peaking at 40 kb/s every 15 seconds or so.

I can simultaneously do an Ookla speedtest check and it shows I'm capable of 60 Mb/s down. So if the problem is my internet connection, it's subtle.

I don't even really know how to ask for help, because the problem could be coming from anywhere. Does anybody have any suggestions on where to even look to start understanding the problem?


Rather than syncing block-by-block, you may want to download the whole chain from blob:

wget -O "/witness_node_data_dir/blockchain/block_log"

and then just do steemd --replay instead.

Thanks, I'll do this. I didn't know anybody was still maintaining one of these.

Hi @furion i can use in windows cl_wallet? this files ?

I haven't updated again after HF17/18, but it took a good 24 hours to download the entire block chain a couple months ago.

Also, I assume this /dev/shm setting still applies. I was up to 32G for /dev/shm by the time HF17 rolled around. I was never able to get a complete download at all when I tried to do it without using /dev/shm (which meant I needed to restart with --replay [another 12 hours] after every reboot).

What plugins are you trying to run, or better yet, what were you trying to build this node for?

I ask because the plugins you enable have a drastic impact on initial sync time.

I was running into trouble even with only the witness plugin. My steemd is for playing with a few projects of mine; I think the account history plugin will ultimately be an important part of it.

Downloading the blockchain that gtg provides was a huge help.

Nice, yeah it's a huge time-saver just being able to replay instead of resync.

The account history plugin is a huge, time-consuming memory hog :)

Hey Jesta, can you just disable the account history plugin? I'm currently trying to setup a witness server and downloading the blockchain right now, was wondering what significance does the account history play in the scheme of things?

I believe the account history plugin is used for get_account_history, so if you're not planning on using that API call, go ahead and disable it.

Edit - Oh, you said a witness server? Yeah you don't need any plugins.

enable-plugin = witness

is all you need!

Thanks :)

good point ;)

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