🔧 A Steem Engine Story ⚙ Steem Engine 小故事 ⚙ Steem Engine 이야기 🔧

in #steem-engine5 years ago

* No, this is not SCOT, this is James Watt, whose Watt steam engine powered the Industrial Revolution. Image source

If you are not familiar with Steem Engine and the tokens, read this short story and start your SE journey today! If you are having fun with SE already, I am sure you will enjoy this story for sure!!

* I have prepared the CN and KR versions as well. Special thanks to @susanlo for helping with KR translation.

My name is SCOT. Last DEC, My JCAR went SAVAGE and then stopped RORSing. I thought the ENGine was down because there was some STEEM. I called my PAL JJM and he was on WEED. I called AAA and they said they were "still in BETA"! SHIT, No TPU for them! I needed a BEER so I entered a MINI-SHOP. Mr MEEP were there and gave me a HUG. The LOVE was EPC and ended the DRAMA.

我名叫SCOT,去年12月DEC,我的JCAR發狂SAVAGE了就不再轟隆隆RORS了。我看到有些水汽 STEEM冒出來,覺得應該引擎 ENG掛了。我打電話給我兄弟PAL JJM,不過他正在抽大麻WEED。我又打給道路救援AAA,他們說還在試營運BETA!真是SHIT,他們沒小費TPU可以拿了!我那時超想喝啤酒BEER,所以走進一家小MINI商店SHOPMEEP先生在裡面,給我一個大大的擁抱HUG,這份愛LOVE實在太經典EPC,終於結束了這場鬧劇DRAMA

저는 SCOT 이예요. 작년 12월DEC에, 제 JCAR는 미쳐SAVAGE져서 우르릉RORS소리가 나지않았어요. 그때 수증기STEEM가 보였어요. 엔진ENG고장이 난모양이예요. 그래서 제 친구PAL JJM에게 전화를 했어요. 근데 쟤가 대마초WEED를 피우고 있대요. 그래서 저는 도로구원AAA을 연락했어요. 그렇지만 아직 테스트영업/시영업?BETA중 있대요! SHIT, 쟤들은 팁TPU을 받지 못할 거이었어요! 그때 맥주BEER를 너무 마시고 싶어서 한 미니MINISHOP에 들어갔어요. 거기에 MEEP씨가 있더라고요. MEEP씨기 포옹HUG해줬어요. 이사랑LOVE이 너무 특별EPC하고 이 사랑은 드라마DRAMA를 끝냈어요.

Thanks goes to @aggroed and the whole Steem Engine team for the inspiration and for creating such an unbelievable platform in such a short time! Bravo to them and all the teams developing their own communities on SE! 🎉🎉🎉

💰 tip jar: upvote or send steem engine tokens to @deanliu 😍😍




@xiaoshancun 三哥 迎着闪电 骑着共享单车 给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


You win!!!! 你赢了! 给你1枚SHOP币!

Hahaha!! 😆💪💪







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Huh. I love this. Palnet makes me to realise the usefulness of steem engine

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Zusätzlich kommt von @lanacharleen noch ein kleiner Upvote. Vielen lieben Dank für euren Support. Der Account meiner Tochter wächst und gedeiht.

!shop tip deanliu with food

Posted using Partiko iOS


Posted using Partiko iOS

你是說沒寫到?因為這個縮寫很難給意思.... 至少SHOP進了 :D



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