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RE: Wait, The Messiah Warned of the DEEP FREEZE?? YES! LOSS Of UTILITIES ARE NEXT!

in #steem-church6 years ago

My favorite thing about this is - 'who is actually suffering?'

Is it the rich and politically connected with their backup generators, well insulated homes, and piles of money to keep it all running? Nope, they are snuggled up all safe and sound with plentiful resources.

The real people suffering are the poor and their children. People who work 2-3 jobs just to survive and don't have time to investigate Twitter gods, let alone get any warnings. People who don't have the money for back-up generators, or well insulated homes, or back-up heat sources. They are the ones who are doing all the suffering for your Lord's little "chastisement".

The best part, though, is knowing you all endorse this. It speaks volumes about who you are as people.

Just remember this universal axiom though - paybacks are a bitch.

Fuck around and find out.


So you believe evil should go unpunished? Should we endorse the evil being commited in the states over a chastisement meant to turn people back to God and doing good deeds? You condemn us for supporting Christ who wants people to repent and disciplines the wicked? It speak volumes about who YOU are as a person!

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