Cartoon & Us 1

in #steem-cartoon7 years ago


It says there "Cartoon & Us Exhibition"

First and foremost, I just have to say that this is a post that is long overdued and it's something that I had always wanted to write about because of the awesomeness of this exhibition.(yes yes, I know many people has talked about this already, but I too would like to share my experience about this exhibition trip, please bear with me, lol...)

I really need to thank @sireh for sharing about this exhibition on Steemit because regrettably I am not as aware about the happenings around me as I would like to be, that is how I got to know about this cool event. So, THANK YOU @sireh !!!


Since the exhibition is held at the national museum, I decided to take the MRT (one of the many trains services in Kuala Lumpur) because I found out through friends that there is a station called "Muzium Negara" (National Museum) and I assumed that it would lead me straight to the national museum if I follow that route and I was right! You just need to look to your right after you come out of the station, it is just beside the museum. The picture above is the national museum's entrance.

BUT !!! a warning to all future patrons who plans to visit the exhibition, if you plan to go through this entrance, please tell the guard or the person at the counter that you are visiting the cartoon exhibition and not the museum (I later found out that apparently they are different, lol)because what happened was when both @calebleejl and I step inside the building, we were told that we have to pay RM2 (Malaysia Ringgit) entrance fee and not knowing any better, we paid the fee and started wondering inside the building while texting @zord189 to see if he has arrived (we made plans earlier on to visit and show our support to this exhibition together.)and when he said he was at the entrance, we went out to look for him only to find out that he was not there. It took a few more confusions and texting between us 3 before we finally found out the exact location of the exhibition and also realised that we actually DO NOT need to pay for any entrance fee for this exhibition, such irony.


As we were walking towards the exhibition, we could see life-sized cartoon boards around the museum area like the picture above. That pink bus is something I've seen when I was a child and there will be a person standing shouting out the name of the route that bus is taking just like what that cartoon character is doing.

I guessed because we were a little too early and nobody was there yet, the 3 of us decided to grab something to eat and drink (well, technically speaking, I was the one that needs to grab something to eat, lol.). We found a nice canteen just outside the exhibition and I realised their menu is like Malay food but selling Chinese zap fan style (Chinese mixed rice stalls usually uses this method where you pick whatever dishes you want in whatever amount and pay at the cashier counter.) I had their mee hoon with a fried egg and something else which I forgot and never forget the sambal (chili paste) !!, paid for the food and drink and then proceed to find the other two gentlemen who had found a seat and were busy chatting themselves away.It wasn't before long when we heard that we can proceed to the exhibition to meet up with @perennial and @sireh and some of his students (many of them are very cool Steemians too!!).


In the picture above, the awesome-yet-super-humble founder of the #steem-cartoon community @sireh and co-founder @perennial were busy chatting about things I did not catch because I was myself busy looking at the portfolios of the students and wondering who that grandpa-looking person might be. @sireh must have caught me looking at that area because he then came and explain to us that the grandpa-looking person is actually an influential local cartoon legend (@sireh's sifu punya sifu according to him.). I suddenly felt so honored and humbled to be able to visit the exhibition with these legends around me, lol.

After about 20 minutes of talking to each other outside, we decided to go in and enjoy the exhibition.


If you would like to know more about this exhibition, do read up this post from @sireh and do come and visit this exhibition because it will be around only 'til April 2018!





aww. it was a nice hangout that day. hope to catch up again soon! :)

Yea...we should... XD

thanks for coming sis!!..hope you enjoy yr visit there :)

Oh yes i did...planning to go back again!! :D

Happy meeting the real you without mask covering your face... haha... sorry was busy managing my student on that day... wish have more time chatting with you guys... see ya again at big hug burger ya...

Hahaha...its okay, i understand how busy you are... :D unfortunately i wont be able to join the gathering at bhb cz I've to work...hope to be able to meet up again some other days??

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