[comic] The First Law of Productivity





A schedule that is all free will remain all free. A schedule that is busy will stay busy.

It's simple physics, guys.

I've always been That Girl who had to be super busy all the time. My senior year in college was 20+ credits, 3 part-time jobs, executive board member of two organizations, and my thesis, while still staying on the Dean's list (humble brag: somehow managed to get a 4.0 that year i still dont know how). A lot of my friends thought I was crazy. I also think I was crazy.

In the past few years I've had to learn to let go of things and that I need to fill my time with things that align with my goals. Otherwise I'll just burn out (which I did several times last year)

This year I'm being much more selective. More protective of my time. Staying focused on my goal. And actually using my free time productively instead of just lazing about on Tumblr lol.

What kind of scheduler are you? Do you like a super busy schedule? Or do you like having nothing on your schedule?

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