Steem Cartoon : Hideous Creature From the Deep

in #steem-cartoon6 years ago (edited)

Basic Monster Fact

This creature is called Patin Gelok (Scientific name: Anabas Testudineus). It is as big as an elephant. This creature likes to extort the sailors and fisherman by first giving them loan and extorting high interest rates. In other words, a loanshark. It likes to scare the village girls that bathes and washes their clothes by the river side. Its tail can capsize small boats but it has an Achilles heel for tadpoles.

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First, I will start by finding the right composition through a rough sketch. From the input of the creature's location I will include the details. The location given to me is beside a river and there is a volcano and a hill of human bones.

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From the sketch I will look for flat colour for the main character. This process does not need good ine art because in the final painting we will be discarding the line art. The line art is just a guide.

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You can input the shadow on the darker side by using layer multiply by using the colours dark blue and dark red.

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Then you include the lighting by using laywer liner light through bright colours.

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On the line art that was darken, use the colouor blend with the colours of the character. You will get the right look and that is where we will start the detailing of each part. The process of blending colours will take some time. To get a good blending ou need a soft brush at the opacity of 50%. After completing all the proecss of colouring the creature, you can now move on to the works of completing the background.

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I will start with the process of creating the sky by using rough colour to get the right mode for the location.

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After getting the mode for the sky colour I will move on to the horizon line. This is the part of the volcano and the skeleton hill. I will reduce colour contrast to give an illusion of a distanct subject. This part of the volcano I will include some smoke from the volcano and it gives a mysterious vibe.

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Now we move to the middle ground by incorporating the trees beside the river. This part does not have to be detailed because of its position.

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The part of the bridge, I will use lasso tools to seprate each part of the tree and I will include simple texture on the wood. The colour of the river I will choose the same colour of the sky as its base colour by using gradient tools.

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For the trees' reflection on the water, I will use the lasso tools and a soft brush at low opacity.

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To give a terrifying vibe to the areas around the river, I will include secondary character in the form of storks that is in the middle ground.

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The final part of the process is where I include the reflection on the water and I will balance the entire colour of the painting by using hue and saturation.

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credit to @zomagic


Great character. I get the impression he's not evil, but he works in the dark underbelly of the city to make a profit. Someone has to be in charge of the black market. That would be this guy! I bet he would accept steem as payment.

hahaha thanks for this great idea @thunderbirdcomic ..

wow. amazing work! love your style.

Thank you @yogjoshi 😊

great art design...superb

Tq rambai..

stunning backgrounds! how does it usually take you to make this kind of drawings?

Usually between 3 to 4 hrs a piece.

that's fast! I take like 2 hours maybe to do one of my comics and they're all simple balck and white haha. Are you still studying animation or are you done?

take your time bro and try to study any shortcut that suitable in your style.I've worked now in one of a local studio in malaysia .. :)

I bet you're doing just fine in your job :D! and sure, I try to check your posts for some inspiration and learning :D

The rough sketch lines and fill colors really look like a true kids book illustration to me. This goon would be a fun character in any Doctor Seuss book.

Dr. Seuss reminds me or the grinch. Very compelling illustration. I think that is why it sells so well. Horton too...lovable elephant.

great colors and monster , nice work !

Thanks mate :)

nice 😊
do not forget to follow our account and upvote @ryanrizky.

thank you :)

kemah keming boh!!

Thank you Pandan

Nak berdarah hidung nengoknya...
Excelent... dah boleh mintak kerja dgn Pixar atau DreamEorkd dah ni.... hahahahah


hehe belum sampai level diorang lagi bang .. sedang berusaha ke arah itu :)

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