An approach to Steemit: Why is it so important?

in #steeemit7 years ago (edited)

The answer is already published on Quora:

The method of the question is wrong and necessary answers are alredy given but; the “but” is very very strong.

The social media iss not invented by Facebook or Google. Nevertheless they wrote the rules that we obey and most of time; we are not even able to question what actually happens.

Now, almost every person from a developed country or from a developing one is online via smartphones. Internet is a living thing surrounds the sphere like atmosphere. And the operating systems of the smartphones force to use social media which makes our lifes an ongoing Truman show with a difference that is Truman was not volunteer to open his life to public, but we are, with the “unquestionable” rules of social media.

Google is not just a search engine , it is the biggest advertisement company there is and facebook is the best personel data collector… And we made them rich and also more hungry with our “communication paradigmas”.

And here is the “but”.

While we spend time by writing, communicating or voting someone, it is obvious that we enpower the platform we actully use. What we get from it? Nothing if the users is not so sexy or so speculative or rarely the best photographer/writer etc.

Steem shares its profit with the user! I hope it can be a modern Robìn Hood, too.

It is not enough but it may be a start for internet media revolution. Why not?

That is why Quora, Facebook or Google should start to think about “sharing”.


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