in #steechurch6 years ago

words were said by the daughter of Pharaoh to the mother of
Moses. It is very likely that it is not necessary to inform you of the
circumstances that caused them. Surely it is not
necessary to tell him that shortly after this future leader of
Israel his parents were forced, by the cruelty of the Egyptian king, to
hide it in a basket of reeds on the bank of the Nile River.
there, he was found by Pharaoh's daughter. Her infant crying moved her to
compassion with so much power that he decided not only to rescue him from a
water tomb, but educate it as if it were from it. Miriam, the
Moses' sister, who had observed everything without being seen, approached
now as someone who did not know the circumstances that had
caused the child to be there. Upon hearing the decision of the
princess, Miriam offered to get a Hebrew woman to take care of
the child until they are old enough to appear in the court of
his father. This offer was accepted, so Miriam was
immediately and called the mother whom the princess entrusted
the child with the words of our text: "Take this child and raise him,
and I'll pay you. "
With similar words, my friends, God addresses the parents of
family. To all those who are blessed to have children, he says in his
Word and through the voice of his providence: "Take this child and
Educate him for me, and I'll pay you back. " Therefore, we will use this passage
to show what it means to educate children for God.

The first thing that implies educating children for God
is to have is to have
conscience and a sincere conviction, that they are his property, children
of him rather than ours. of him rather than ours. Ours. He takes care of us for a while,
with the sole purpose of forming them in the same way as
we put our children under the care of human teachers with the
same purpose. In spite of how careful we are to educate
the children, we can not say that we educate them for God unless

we think they are his, because if we believe that they are exclusively
we will educate them for ourselves and not for him. Know what
it's his to feel deeply and be persuaded that he has
a sovereign right to do with them what he wants and to take them away
when he arranges. That are his and that he owns this right is
evident according to innumerable passages of the Holy Scriptures. These
they tell us that God is the one who forms our body and is the Father of
our spirit, that we are all his children, and that, consequently,
we are ours, but him. They also assure us that just as it is
he the soul of the father and the mother, of him is the soul of the children. God
He rebuked and threatened the Jews several times because they sacrificed
sons of him in the fire of Moloc (Ezekiel 16: 20-21). Despite the clear and
explicit that these passages are, there are few parents who seem to feel
His strenght. Few people seem to feel and act as if they had
consciousness that they and theirs are the absolute property of God,
that they are merely temporary parents of their children, and that, in
everything they do for them, they should be acting for God.


excellent publication @margarivera, seeing children growing up in a healthy environment full of the word of God is a blessing
firma 10.png

It is an honor to see you write to me. I receive your words with love

a good education of God is good so that children can enjoy a Christian life

thanks apostle I'm happy to see your comment

Thanks for sharing. Moses' mother was able to teach Moses and Miriam about God from infancy. This helped them in choosing to serve God. When faced with what we may call tempting circumstances, we can see that Moses remained faithful.

It is an honor to see your comment dear apostle.

We explained post.
We must educate our children for God because they are our future and our legacy

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I receive the word with love

the first and best teacher of every child are the parents. Parents owe God te responsibility of bringing up their children in His ways.

God multiplying blessings to your life

We explained post.
We must educate our children for God because they are our future and our legacy

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