The game that broke the most important steam record.

in #steam7 years ago

In the August of previous year a game Playerunknown's Battlegrounds reached the first place in the number of simultaneously logged players on Steam with the result of 877 thousands people! It was a very memorable moment. But it was not the end.

16th of September the game reached 1 348 000 simultaneously logged players by this way beat previous record established by Dota2 - 1 291 000 players.

Nowadays, the community of PUBG grows faster and faster. We can check it on Steamcharts that the numbers of players reached over 3 000 000 players! I think this record would not be beaten for a very long time.

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The game is going to be one of the best in history of the gaming!

Yes. The game has a very big potential. The people are incoming and they enjoy it. Also developers take care of the game.

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