Stealthcrypto- Quantum Mesh Network

Stealthcrypto is yet again another ground-breaking project based on the blockchain technology. The blockchain technology has been applied and used to solve various problems plaguing different industries and now it is being tapped into cybersecurity.
The advancements brought about by the internet, though has been ground-breaking, has led to an increase in the level of cyber crimes. Now, unlike before, people are constantly wary of their privacy and most importantly the safety of their personal data. With the advancement brought about by the internet and even technological advancements we now have companies like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and these companies rely on the data produced by its users to generate their sustaining revenue; users are being exposed to several internet frauds, even identity theft and to constantly be in a state of paranoia is no way to live at all. In the world we live in today, cyber crimes is the biggest issue we combat and on a daily basis at that.
The latest advancement we face now is the blockchain technology. The blockchain technology facilitates transparency and helps highten the security when transactions are being done between several participants and ensures a level of assurance in the very least.

As we all know what the blockchain technology brings to the table, Stealthcrypto is a blockchain project that is primarily focused on the issue of privacy. When we talk about Stealthcrypto, Quantum Mesh Network cannot be left aside and why is that....the decentralized, self-sustainable Quantum Mesh Network developed by Stealthcrypto fuels Stealthcrypto's aim of providing resistance to Quantum computing. Some of you might be wondering, what exactly provoked the creation of Stealthcrypto apart from the example sited above in line with personal data...well lets take the existing cryptocurrencies as a case study; Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that has a really high volatility, one that follows the Bitcoin market really closely would have noticed this fluctuation and because of the fluctuating markets of Bitcoin, Bitcoin is not exactly a very secure cryptocurrency. The same goes for the Ethereum as well, we even have cases of the Ethereum network being hacked on several occasions. If you ask me, this is more than enough reasons for something to be done and that something is "Stealthcrypto".

Stealthcrypto is actually going to initiate one of the most innovative inventions in the world of cryptocurrency and that is the launching of a mobile device but not just any mobile device, this mobile device would be heavily encrypted extremely secure; the privacy issues have been effectively handled this way. This mobile device would posess the highest level of cyber security attainable, let that sink in for a bit....
Cyber criminals are even more now than ever before and moreso when we have so much technological advancements; these individuals lurk seeking out areas of vulnerability...areas where they could have unauthorized access to systems that should be inaccessible and this should not be allowed to go on any further hence Stealthcrypto. This is why the blockchain technology is the highest level of technological advancement and I really do not see any ecosystem coming up that would be more advanced than the blockchain technology.

Stealthcrypto is the future of cyber security.

ICO Roadmap.
Q1 2018
-Quantum Cyber Security solutions.
Q2 2018
-Stealthcrypto distributed network: Quantum meshed network.
Q3 2018
-Qubit blockchain development and testing.
Q4 2018
-Qubit blockchain launching.

Token symbol- QMN
Token supply- 200,000,000 QMN at a target of $200,000,000.
53.19% of the total supply is allocated to sales/development, 4.26% of the total supply is allocated to marketing, 19.15% goes to the stealthgrid, 2.13% goes to the LLK foundation and 21.28% goes to Later funding.

The funds generated during the tokensale would be used as follows:
12% is allocated to business development, 10% is allocated to IoT development, 5% goes to sales and distribution, 50% goes to production cost, 5% goes to legal expenses, 3% goes to insurance and expenses and 15% is kept as reserve.


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Writer's Bitcointalk username: kitanodebunmi
Writer's Bitcointalk profile url:;u=1298583

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62978.31
ETH 2546.24
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.76