USA Plunges To 114th 'Most-Peaceful' Nation On Earth

in #stats7 years ago

The 2017 Global Peace Index was released last week and it found that the world has actually become a slightly safer place during the past year. However, as Statista's Niall McCarthy notes, the divisive presidential election in the United States and its fallout has resulted in peace levels in North America deteriorating.

161 countries were analyzed in the index and the U.S. actually experienced the greatest decline in peace out of all them, plummeting 11 places to 114th most-peaceful country.

You will find more statistics at Statista

Iceland was named the world's most peaceful country with New Zealand and Portugal coming second and third respectively. Unsurprisingly, Syria is has the lowest peace rating worldwide.

Afghanistan, Iraq, South Sudan and Yemen also find themselves at the very bottom of the peace list.

According to the index, global violence in 2016 came to $14.3 trillion in purchasing power parity terms, equivalent to 12.6 percent of the world's GDP or $1,953 for every person. 

Source : ZeroHedge

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Well, you can't engage into multiple wars at the same time around the world and expect to be a peaceful country. Domestic national violence is oftenly a direct product of foreign affairs that country is conducting. Hope to see the USA to sustain from future conflicts if there's a possibility.

It's crazy our country is in a straight downward spiral and to make matters worse we're starting to separate. We need to band together as one and give a helping hand out to each other ok help bring this country back into alignment. Great post

This list is a great place to start a conversation about what counts as "official" violence and the fictional acts as reported in the mainstream media. What happens and what the media says happens, are two different things. Having said that, the real story is often not portrayed unless it fits some kind of agenda.

just above iraq

who needs peace when you have guns.

No surprises there, thanks to the orangehead, the country's heading deep into racism and bigotry.

Care to give some examples of this? From what I can see the left thrives on and promotes racism far more than anyone else, but because it is "their" kind of racism it is "ok".

hey zer0hedge very informative post sucks to hear that were failing when it comes to peace, were just going to have to be more aware and project more positivity to everyone thats around us i believe that majority rules so i try to give off a positive and peaceful energy towards the collective. by the way i just added and upvoted you im new to steemit so i would appreciate if you could do the same for me, thanks for the content keep it coming...

A country that has been at war for 224 years of it's 241 year history should probably be lower down on that list. More than 90% of America's history has been, and still is, war.

"GIGO" comes to mind. While this is interesting in a way, overall the claim itself just isn't very meaningful.

It's not like "the peace of a country" can simply be measured. It can looked at in a great many different ways, and there can be agendas in every one of them. I'm a Christian and wonder if they measure personal peace in this, too, and how they would measure it. Anti-depressant use? Being addicted to shopping?

In the case of this study, you have to wonder about the organization's funding, the views of the people running it, and its goals, because all those things are going to affect the "findings," which seem quite arbitrary. Russia is less peaceful than China, for instance?

This "study" has Canada as a highly peaceful country, for example. But it doesn't take into account, apparently, that much of that peace is no doubt due to it being a neighbor and ally of the United States.

The study also is of the opinion that the U.S. Presidential election disturbed the nation's peace.

But we know that in personal relationships, such as in families, passionate discussion and debate can bring peace, as people express their concerns to each other. On the other hand, repressing those concerns most often leads to worse troubles. Democracy is set up on that principle - that conflict through debate, even when it upsets people, is better than ignoring problems, stifling speech, and other forms of conflict, like war.

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