Steemit Author Payout Analysis

in #stats7 years ago

How has HF19 affected Author Payouts in June?

The last time I did this graph was for the month of May and there was a clear upward trend in post payouts with lots of lower rep authors increasing their share of the pie. Read about it here at steemit-payout-analysis

Author Payouts in June

There does not seem to be an upward trend overall but it is noticeable that the lower rep authors are more pronounced post HF19.

Payouts by Author Reputation

When we look at payouts by rep bandings separately there are some pronounced patterns for lower rep and higher rep authors pre and post HF19.

Many thanks to @furion and SteemData for the raw data for these graphs.

Thank you for reading this. I write on Steemit about Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Travel and lots of random topics.


For me the presentation of the data was somewhat confusing. It may be because I'm new to Steem.

Could you indicate a more complete material?

Some of the figures are a bit hard to see on this graphic. It shows the author payouts per day for the month of June grouped into 5 bands. Each band/colour is a grouping of authors according to their reputation.

You can see the effect of the latest hardfork on the payouts is more pronounced for the lower and higher rep authors.

I understand. Thank you :)

Hmmm i have to agree with the first part of this sentence and not agree with the second:

There does not seem to be an upward trend overall but it is noticeable that the lower rep authors are more pronounced post HF19.

Maybe a select group, but this needs to be compared with like groups of data sets

Your correct, what I am referring to is the effect of the last hardfork on the rewards. The effects were more pronounced on that and clearly visible in a similar graph. See

yes think its been slipping for sure

All rewards are going down. I had one post at $27, finished about $14.40. I've seen it happen to other's blogs as well. The rewards pool is running dry. Disheartening as it seems to have happened just as I was starting to get somewhere .

I did another post earlier which I think shows what is happening with the rewards pool.

I would say it will take a little while to get to an even keel. There will be a period of adjustment and rebalancing.

This is helpful! Thank you 😁

We have seen this thing in the past but time it was different. Huge part of the rewards are taken. In may part its about 50% :)

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