Statism has almost killed me several times since 2004, now I feel like I almost have nothing left to live for. (update: already got much better after one day)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #statism7 years ago (edited)

The resent event in my life, that Peter Jacob Hagen have pulled the plug on the working agreement that I made an extended debt consolidation application on, had left me in a situation with little hope for ever getting a free life.

I will not say that I am suicidal, because I am not, but I am feeling that life has little meaning, after realized that my personal freedoms are getting less and less.

I spend a lot of time on making an application for debt consolidation and it is based on the job that I have had since January. This Friday, Peter Jacob Hagen, decided to pull the plug on that working agreement, with the words "your sense of reality is wrong so I can't have you driving my taxi". I have asked him to come with further explanation, but he refuses to come with any explanation. So I am left with guessing why he pulled the plug on the working agreement. I have also written to him, how damaging it is for me, because of the very extended debt consolidation application that I spend over 50 hours making, that now turn out to be a complete waste of time and energy. But he refuses to answer any of my messages.

So today I feel more hopeless then maybe ever in my life. Then again since 2004 when I first realized that we are slaves of statism, I have had a sense of running for my life in a mental kind of way... since then there have been set back after set back.... debts has increased all the time, lost contact to my daughter, very little contact to my son and so on.

I feel this like a mayor setback as I cannot even build up money in crypto online, without breaking the law, since I am indebted. I can take some chances, but in the end I am risking prison, if I do the activism on Steemit that I want to do.

So we are all already in a kind of mental prison, that I hope we together will escape in the future.

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Sounds like you are in a good condition to take a look at the lost word: NO. and why its so important to learn to use it when appropriate. As i hear various people advocating after looking at how the system work; is to learn the use of saying NO to the system. One of them is simply to refuse to pay the dept payments. On the bases that the loan they gave you was unlawfull to begin with. And then depending on where you live, say NO and just stay / live where you do if they come say you need to move out of the house just because you cant pay the loan on it. Whould do some research on the reasons behind and why it works to say NO, in that case, before choosing to do so.

You are so right, I should have said no many years ago... I learned to say NO the hard way, as they say!

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