The UNPOPULAR Topic That'll Cost a YouTube Channel TONS of Subscribers, but Shouldn't!! Steemians'll Love it Though!

in #statism7 years ago

If you're a statist, and you know it, ask the government to help you clap your hands.

I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

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You know what else is cancer??? FEMINISM!!!

Thanks for sharing, enjoy the vote!

Statism is the ultimate insult to humanity !!!

I agree with the premise but here are the difficulties: as soon as there are more than 3-people in a community there are going to have to be rules as humans, in general, disagree about pretty much everything and anything.
Let's work some numbers in a community of 150 with the fact that every community above 150 will become more and more complex ( we'll leave that issue aside for now).
Within the 150 it is estimated that around 3 of them will be prone to sociopathy and psychopathic behavior and these 3 will do everything possible to manipulate any agreements in their favor. Then we need to factor in that we are not created equally and a small number of people will be more productive than others and will generate more wealth. Some will be weak and infirm and some will hardly be able to produce at all--perhaps because they are mentally ill.
As far as I can tell the only way this community will survive and prosper is if everyone's basic needs of food and housing are met. It should be agreed by the faculties of common sense that each person only needs one home and that each person could be taught to grow their own food on their one piece of private property. All education would be geared towards becoming self-sustaining with one's food supply and education would teach the fundamental economics of trading goods and services within the group at a very young age while at the same time instilling ethical constructs within the trading blocks. All peoples basic needs being met combined with an education system focused on achieving​ one's highest potential within an​ ethos of attaining mastery within in any given field of interest as long as that interest​ doesn't interfere with the rights of others ( mastery of theft and murder wouldn't be tolerated).
This might be a very healthy community with everyone's shelter needs being met, along with food and a new education model, which only leaves the basic need of healthcare which would be quite minimal in such a community. I call these the 4-pillars​ of a Global Commons civilization.
All 150 people would have the potential to create and become the best they could be. There would still be problems but this community would be far better equipped to handle them compared to the ones run by psychos who have rigged every system to their benefit who unnecessarily exploit and coerce with force every other member , ​not in their chosen clique!

Voluntaryism means no rulERS, not no rules. Voluntary contracts can be made between individuals or groups. It is about no FORCE, no COERCION. If I want to go be a hermit in the mountains, surely you would not DRAG me into your community and FORCE me to play by the rules?

Is this comment in response to my post? If so: I no undurstood vulcanteerism as eye fcukin' ideot!
Okay, then, fishyculture, you are now the proud owner of the troll cupiedoll!
Let me enlighten Y'all of another gambit of the archon elites which used the knights and bishops​ on a worldwide scale as compared to the pawns used in this video! That would be the false dichotomy of the Marxist/capitalist control grid which spanned the whole earth...
Now, the best question to be asked is why would they do this? And in large part, ​the answer would be to keep civilization from evolving into something which would look remarkably like what I describe in the above post!

I think @fishyculture 's comment was in response to you, yes, but I could be wrong, But what I am curious after is the answer on the question in that comment.

If I want to go be a hermit in the mountains, surely you would not DRAG me into your community and FORCE me to play by the rules?

I didn't address​ the question as I view it as this: Non-sequitur​ (logic)

If it would be a claim or a argument it might be a non-sequitur.
But the question is not a claim, I don't know if a question can be a non-sequitur, though.
I see the question more as a personal question.
As in; If your (hypothetical) masterplan would come into being, would it be possible to not participate and go live in the woods or maybe do something else, without being forced ?
This is a very important subject for voluntaryist, like me, not to be forced. I hope you can understand.
Of course you are free to make the community you like to have, there I have no say, as long as you don't force people (like me) who don't want to be forced in that community.

Edit; I added some words for clarification, and commas and some language corrections, and deleted a sentence that was already in there.

I didn't get that anything he said logically followed anything I said in my post. Anyway, I've expanded my thoughts here:

I have given a reply there.

Excellent video Brian , nice to see one of the main youtubers that is smart enough to see through the divide and conquer techniques. Supporting either side of a dialectic ultimately aids the overall objectives of the Elites. Question everything!

Nice, haven't seen Jan Helfeld in years, and I remember that clip. Well done, got yourself a new follower! :)

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