The 10 commandments you're really following!!! (OK, more like 11ish.)

in #statism6 years ago

"We are the Lord thy Government... And here are our commandments.

  1. Thou shalt have no other gods before Government.

  2. Thou shalt follow no moral codes, and no moral systems above the arbitrary whims of the Politicians.

  3. Thou shalt not take the name of Government in vain, or speak against us.... The high priests of State. For those who do are sinners, criminals, and terrorist in our eyes, and shall be wiped from the face of the Earth.

  4. Remember election Day to keep it holy...

  5. Judge not the Politicians, or their mercenaries, lest ye be put on the "No fly List."

  6. Honor the Congressman, and the Senator, that their reign be long - Upon the land that the Lord thy Government has
    taken from thee.

  7. Thou shalt murder by voting for those who engage in perpetual war mongering.

  8. Thou shalt kill whenever Government commands it, and the killing shall be called ""National Defense"", serving one's Country, and spreading Democracy. No greater love hath a man than this, that a man shall go halfway around the World to murder complete strangers... Because we told him to.

  9. Thou shalt steal... By voting for your neighbors to be taxed... And thou shalt hate and persecute any who resist.

  10. Thou shalt covet thy Neighbor's income, and his car, and his house, and everything that is thy Neighbor's. Thou shalt pray the lord thy government to take these things from thy neighbor, and give them unto Thee. Verily we say unto you, it is greedy and selfish to keep what you have earned... But noble and virtuous to ask US to take what your Neighbor has earned.

  11. Thou shalt bear false witness... By calling thieves and robbers.... Public Servants. By calling usurpers and tyrants - Leaders, and Representatives, and by calling those who advocate Liberty for all... Criminals, and Terrorists. Blessed are the blindly obedient, for the Politicians shall reward them. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after power, for they shall be satisfied. Blessed are the Voters, for they shall legitimize tyranny and oppression. Blessed are the Bankers... For they shall embezzle the Earth. Blessed are the Jack Booted Thugs, for they shall get away with murder. Blessed are the corrupt in heart, for they shall receive power. Blessed are the War Mongers, for they shall imagine themselves to be Gods. Blessed are they who have persecuted the innocent for the Politicians sake, for they shall be promoted, and cursed are the heathens and extremists who speak out against our tyranny, who encourage you to question authority, and who instruct you disobey immoral commands. We the Politicians say unto you, worship those who exploit, and insult you. Bow those who extort, and oppress you, and vote for those who despite-fully use you and persecute you.

From the first book of Gospel according to Government."

Larken Rose

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