OK Tim Snyder.... Let's break this down!!!

in #statism6 years ago

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OK Tim..... Let's break this down!!!

2,700 Kids have a parent in Prison -----

  • The vast majority of those Parents in prison are locked away in a cage for harming no one. Many many of them are there for the """Crime""" of smoking a plant. This is all so that narcissistic Politicians and the Oligarchs that really run the Country can feel tough about themselves, and show off their bigger Di@ks!!

  • As a result of these Parents being taken from their kids (Over a ""Crime"" that harmed no one) Private prison companies such as Corrections Corporation of America can make $1.7 BILLION in revenue per year.

  • So called "SWAT" teams will conduct 80,000 "No knock" raids this year, often getting the wrong address, and in the process KILLING innocent people, and Thousands of innocent pets. This is ALL in an effort to advance the unjust "Laws" that are crafted to lock people in cages for harming no one. Corrections Corporation spends $ Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars per year on """Campaign Contributions"""
    Bribery 2.jpg

The Counted people killed by police in the United States – interactive  US new_2018-07-01_08-40-01.jpg

400,000 Kids are in Foster Care

  • With nothing but an anonymous phone call from a disgruntled Neighbor, Power lusting, inept, and self aggrandizing Bureau Rats are somehow allowed to trespass onto your property violating your 4th Amendment rights. If you are a good Parent.... They will tear your home apart, ""Interrogating"" you until they can dig up and excuse to tear your children from your arms. This is ALL done under gun point!!! When I point this out I'm always met with ""But... What of the poor Children?""

- If the State REALLY cared about children........... They wouldn't have KILLED a HALF MILLION of them with no remorse!!!

Moving along (I'm going to really rustle some statist cognitive dissonance feathers here.) Let's talk about those kids of "The Troops".

  • Going all the way back to the Gulf of Tonkin Incident in August of 1964, and probably past WW2, I can show you factual evidence that all wars perpetrated by the United States, including "Police Actions" have been BASED ON OUTRIGHT LIES!!! The United States has KILLED millions upon millions of people just so that it's Oligarchs could benefit financially from those wars!!! This is fact! They weren't to protect "Your Freedom" In fact, your freedoms have been eroded all along by the very Government that has convinced you that it's there to protect them!!!

  • There has NOT been a draft, since June 30th 1971!!! Since then EACH AND EVERY ONE of "The Troops" HAS VOLUNTEERED to become the minions of Washington Politicians!!! Every one of them walked into a "Recruiter's Office" and signed a paper that conscripted them into indentured servitude to the killing machine that is called the military.

  • Each and every one of them knew upon doing this that they WOULD BE SEPARATED FROM THEIR CHILDREN!!! It is THEIR decision to do this that mad their children live without parents!!!

  • Each and every one of them knew when they signed that paper, that they would likely be told to go and KILL people in far away lands!!! Exodus 20 - 13 says "Thou shalt not kill" Nowhere in it can you find the word "unless!!" Nowhere does it say 'Well... It's OK if the false god of Government says so" This is very clear!!!

I feel very sorry for the children separated from their military parents, I really do..... But this discussion is about a "Meme" which compares them to immigrant kids taken forcibly from their parents. There's a big difference between when a "Goon with a Gun" rips your nursing baby from your arms, and when you as a parent VOLUNTEER to become a paid mercenary for Wall Street A$$holes!!!

#OK one more "Silly" argument! #

Tim, you mentioned execution. As I said before Exodus 20 - 13 does NOT have the word "Unless" anywhere in it. By Condoning the idea that the false god of State somehow has the authority to kill someone, you are guilty of that sin yourself. I BEG you.... Go into a room by yourself, get on your knees and ask for forgiveness from my Lord. Realize that no matter what happens Today, even if you die, it is HIS will because your life is his. Realize that the State does not have the authority to break his commandments. We will all be judged at his feet one day, I don't want to preach to you because I'm not worthy, but realize that the Facebook group we've been debating on is called "Anarcho - CHRISTIAN" and that you are here I would assume because you believe in my Lord... That the basic premise of this group is that faith in the State is evil, and there should be No King but Christ!!!


You remove fathers from children and you end up with more criminals.

"The Origins of War in Child Abuse" by Lloyd DeMause

The biggest child abuse abandonment trauma. When a child gets to about 5 years of age, they turn from mother and bond to father. And if there is no father their to bond to, they will suffer abandonment issues the rest of their lives. Usually this make them more violent, because they are mad at something that should have been there but wasn't. So, these children become outwardly violent (bullies) or inwardly violent (victims).

So, you can see how the war racket continues and perpetuates the abandonment.
Same with the prison industrial complex.

But the worst one of all is divorce. Where women throw the man out of the house, so very often at 5-7 years from when they married. Almost exactly when the child starts to need a father.

Sorry, this is a bit off topic, but it is what i see underlying this whole thing.
Yes, the psychopaths at the top know this, and have designed a destructive system.

I couldn't agree more!!!

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