A quick response to a loved one.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #statism6 years ago

A loved one of mine posted the following on Facebook, and I think I just have to answer it.... (Knowing what a "Nut Job I am LOL)

immigrant policies.jpg

Ok, so let's start with the job issue!


A Ball State University Indiana study over many years shows how ROBOTS and "Automation" have taken a whopping 88% of all manufacturing jobs!!! http://www.ballstatedaily.com/article/2017/02/news-myth-and-reality-of-manufacturing-in-america

Meanwhile there is a severe shortage of workers in the kinds of agricultural occupations that "Paco" generally takes. If you want to work from sun up to sun set, in the hot sun... Picking lettuce or cotton with your bloody hands, for around $268 a week, have fun!!! If you want to work 12 hour days tired to your bones..... killing up to 5,000 pigs on the "Killing Floor" of a big slaughter house, while you're knee deep in blood - with one 5 minute "Pee Break" allowed in a "Shift"?? Maybe "Paco" should be deported.

farm workers.jpg
Does your back hurt yet?

Driver's Licenses

I'll set aside my feelings about "Big Brother" using something like this as an excuse to extort more taxes from the Public, for a minute, and ask you this question. "Paco" is already here. He and his Spouse may Have to drive in order to put food on the table. DO YOU WANT THEM TO BE TESTED, FOR THEIR DRIVING SKILLS OR NOT??? WOULD YOU RATHER BE ON THE ROAD WITH AN UNTRAINED PERSON WHO DOES NOT UNDERSTAND THE REASONS NOT TO RUN A STOP SIGN... OR WOULD YOU LIKE THEM DEMONSTRATE THEIR SKILLS BEFORE THEY GET INTO A 5,000 POUND LAND MISSILE AND AIM IT AT YOU???
The choice is yours.


The US Military has LOST $6 and 1/2 TRILLION of YOUR tax Dollars!!! It's gone!!! They can't find it, and they don't even have a shoe box full of receipts somewhere to show for it!!!

If you have a nice neat stack of $100 bills that's 4 inches high.... Congratufrickinglations!!! YOU ARE A MILLIONAIRE!!!

This money the inept Generals at the Pentagon have lost...


stack of 100 dollar bills.jpg


92 years from now, Food Stamps will have cost enough to equal what they've lost! Yet, nobody is upset over this???

"Paco" and his "Illegal" Brothers, make up 3% of the US population. If each and every "Illegal" in the Country got Food Stamps... It will take them 3,056 YEARS to eat enough vittles in food stamps to take the same money from you that the Pentagon has lost!!!

The idea that "Paco" is somehow costing you a pile of taxes is absurd... Unless you're bitching your head off over the other crap that YOUR Government is getting away with!!!

As I said above.... "Illegals" make up about 3% of the US population, So if we take ALL illegals off of food stamps (SNAP) we would save enough money to pay for the new F35 Fighter Jet Program... IN JUST 705 YEARS!!! THINK - WE COULD SAVE ENOUGH TO PAY FOR THIS JET THAT DOESN'T FLY!!! Lockheed Martin, the Corporation that's designing the new Plane, makes $47 and a quarter Billion per year, and it's CEO makes $25.2 MILLION per year, for selling us planes that don't work but,



See the thing is... If "Paco" and his Wife have a kid that's born in the US, that Child is a US CITIZEN same as ANY child born in the US!!! If you have Kids, they are US Citizens because they are born here. Plain and simple! ANY child that's a US Citizen is entitled to the same benefits!!!

Remember how BP oil screwed up and poisoned the entire Gulf of Mexico.... YOUR GOVERNMENT gives $20 and a half BILLION every year to the big oil Corporations!!! That's almost $1,900 per year for every "Illegal" in the Country. Think they deserve it?

The bankrupt State of Illinois gave $112 Million to Amazon - AMAZON!!! We should build a wall to keep Amazon out!!!

Mark F. Rockefeller (Last name sound familiar?)got $342,634 to NOT plant any crops on a farm that he bought!!!
(Paco's $3 or 4 hundred a month in food stamps doesn't sound like so much.)

Nike's received $2.03 BILLION..... So why the f$%k are your tennis shoes so damned expensive?

Chrysler's received $2.06 Billion!!! It's owned by Fiat. so if Corporations are people.... Is Fiat an immigrant?

Ever fly in an airliner made by Boeing? You own part of that jet!!! They got $13.18 BILLION of our tax Dollars!!!

So yeah, I'm a "Nut Job"!!! my Friends and Family roll their eyes when I post something like this. They would rather turn a blind eye to FACTS and hate the people they've been TOLD to hate.

It's easier to believe what we're told!!!

The truth is.... If you don't want "Paco" to to get any benefits..... We should do away with ALL benefits!!! This includes what's given to US Citizens, as well as the Corporations that are STEALING your Children's future out from under you!!! If we take the power away from the "Lessor of two evils" politicians to take money from us, and dole it out to whomever gives them the best bribes.... We might save a few Dollars!
man behind the curtain.png
Start paying attention to the Man behind the Curtain!!!


Well said. Welfare isn't the problem. Illegal immigration isn't the problem. The real problem is a government operating outside it's founding document that gives it the right to exist in the first place. They print the money out of thin air, then tax us, not because they need it, but as a form of control. They pit us against one another so that we don't realize there are more if us then there are of them. It is time we started paying attention to the man behind the curtain.

I question much of your assertions...
I dont think that many of them are correct.
(you should be more careful with those logical fallacies)
I tend to agree with you're loved one..

Which assertions would you like to discuss??? I can provide vetting for all of them.

well for one...I was born and raised in farm country (llano estacado) what you say about stoop labor might have been true back then (I did a lot of it) fifty years ago.
but today we have John Deere.
(and many other mechanized equipment.)..
so...I don't think the part about the stoop labor is correct.

"Heat stroke is the leading cause of work-related death
among farmworkers. Many workers reported not being
given sufficient breaks or clean water, as well as often
being pressured by supervisors to work faster" http://www.floc.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/FLOC-report-toplines-US-Final.pdf

not even in the top ten
but that's irrelevant....
if it's so bad they should just leave...go back to the socialist paradise they came from.

Remember how BP oil screwed up and poisoned the entire Gulf of Mexico.
nope..I don't remember that...I do recall an oil spill.
80% of the 'oil spills' in the gulf are of natural origins..there's a lot of seeping going on at the bottom of the gulf...my brother took a submarine ride one time and witnessed it first hand (they were looking for nazi subs..found one too)

oil seeps have been happening since the beginning of time...a little bit extra all at once is an inconvienience...not a disaster...it certainly did NOT poison the gulf.
(nice hyperbole though...I'd love to see your Lucille ball impersonation)..

The US Military has LOST $6 and 1/2 TRILLION of YOUR tax Dollars!!
false equivalency logical fallacy..need I say more?

Driver's Licenses
I was a professional driver for 25 years...3 million plus miles...accident free/ no claims/ no ticket. I have a stack of 'safe driver' awards.

It's my area of expertise.
cut to the chase.
you're wrong about this too.

So you WOULD prefer to see untrained, and untested drivers on the roads?? BTW I too am a professional driver (School Bus) and I am well aware of the testing YOU went through to become licensed... I commend you for doing it. Better drivers on the road will only happen with training, and testing. Denying a class of people a license, thus excluding them from that testing, can only create more s$%tty drivers!

I drove a school bus for five years before I became a trucker.
Shirely you don't think the so called testing and training by the guberment has any positive effect? Couldn't . prove it by me..

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