What's hiding beneath?

in #statism6 years ago


Statism has a thin, shiny scale of pretty-looking ethics hiding the evil beneath. It's sort of like nail polish on an infected, fungal fingernail.

Some statism shows its concern for the less fortunate while hiding its approval of theft. Other statism shows the world its concern for "family values" while hiding its family-destroying policies from casual view. And, the ethics don't hide just one evil, but a huge library of evils. All excused by the thin superficial layer of goodness.

The nice-looking ethics are good, but they stop short. They don't go far enough and don't redeem the evil that exists right beside them. It doesn't make you a good person to give the shirt off your back to one person while raping and murdering another.

All the aggression and theft is just below the surface, while the pretty, distracting scale of ethics hides it from view. But it only hides the corruption and evil from those who don't want to look.

The ethics embraced by any form of statism are only surface deep, used for less than ethical purposes, but the evil goes all the way to the core.

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Shoddy monopolized services are often cited as evidence of their supposed virtue. "Pay what we demand and obey our arbitrary dictates, or else, because we provide education, security, health care, roads, sewer systems, water, and so much more! If you don't obey us, it means you actively oppose these good things we so generously give to you!"

Yeah. Statists... sigh. Just because I don't want your inferior "service" doesn't mean I don't want a good option. I like libraries, roads, and clean water. I just want to choose who I pay to provide them. I want competition.
(And I don't want cops at any price, provided by anyone!)

Indeed. Mall cops here are honest security forces, not extortion-funded gangster monopolists. They are a practical model, and their subservient status below the government cops just shows the government monopoly corruption and propaganda pandemic.

First of all i ll make 100+ comments on your post i hope you ll down vote them all that means lot me 😁

Secondly what the fucking moral you're talking about ? Who told you what is moral and what is not immorality ? You follow moral ethics by reglious believe or personal experience or just through a twitter meme ? Was that teaches you what moral ?? You're all driven trough make decision depend on past experience and you name it moral? So everyone have there own moral then ? If it so .. son believe me I'm a book of moral.lol

There is no fucking think is moral ? Why should i follow that doesn't even exist.. you believe something and you name it morality , ethics , blah blah.... Fuck all that shit.

You are flagging me for confronting him now

And i flagged your shit ?? 😂 Really ? When did that happen...

There is only one law never change in the world .. "strangest wins weakest runs" by mentaly, physically, financially etc. Lets check it out who going to get top of who's mind.. in justin aka @berniesanders case "Weak men cannot handle power. It will either crush them, or they will use it to crush others" you can see through all his behaviours towords his society..

*And well I'll feed you for your flagging hungry 😂 enjoy

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