Telling Other People How To Live

in #statism6 years ago (edited)

The state has quite rightly been described as one of the most destructive institutions that human beings have ever conjured.

It has enabled the masses for years to be able to squabble over their disagreements on how they should tell other people to live their lives. It's hard to put into the words the scale of damage that has been inflicted upon humanity by the state; an incredible amount of unjust violence that's been initiated upon peaceful people over the centuries.

Trying to tell other people how to live their life, and punishing them when they go against your decrees, is a tricky and costly business.

And criticizing this manner of organization alone doesn't mean that you are also criticizing rules in general, or the act of organization itself.

It could simply be that you prefer an order of organization that is founded upon and respects individual consent.

The notion that governments strive to promote our best interest could be described as little more than propaganda.

The system that we are used to dealing with is one that is instead founded upon coercion, not voluntary exchange or voluntary consent, it is a system of intervention that is afforded a privileged monopoly that infringes upon the natural rights of millions.

A system which violates the rights of the smallest minority, the individual, cannot be one that has been established to promote the best interest of that individual.

Interventionism negates peaceful trade and it undermines individual liberty. Both sides of the farcical political spectrum want to intervene in the lives of others, for one reason or another. The ongoing circus fuels arbitrary abuse of authority and erodes liberty for all.

A free society is not one that's founded upon interventionism.

It is within your own best interest to support the freedom of others, even if you don't agree with what they are doing and how they are using that freedom. Because when you support the freedom of others, you in-return promote your own.

Under the current system today, the individual is threatened with harm whenever they fail to comply with whatever arbitrary edicts have been established. Does this sound like safety? Is this what freedom really looks like?

Society would be much more peaceful and flourishing if more people would opt to refrain from supporting a corrupt and counterproductive system of intervention that seeks to violate the natural rights of all and endlessly infringe upon various social arrangements.


Totally loved reading this and couldn't agree more. You said it so eloquently. I was just thinking that everyone should tend to their own garden of choices, but you made damn good points. If we'd all just listen to the inner voice (including and especially politicians) there would be such a greater prosperity on this earth.

"The notion that governments strive to promote our best interest" made me chuckle a bit.

I'm so relieved to find such an incredible amount of voluntaryists on Steemit. Thank GOD or whatever because I finally found my home. Farcebook is mucho depressing..

Me too I finally found my home... I Spend long long time searching for it :)

Likewise, too long. So very happy to be here now. I can only hope it lasts forever haha

Yes and we can make it last forever!!!

I totally agree! With that attitude, we will!

Thanks @crystalhuman.

I believe right attitude will solves many of our life problems!!!

Certainly people want freedom and without intervention. Thank you for sharing a very interesting article to read. Good luck always for you @doitvoluntarily.

intervention with good intention will taker human race forward

Wow so true my friend @doitvoluntarily! upped earlier now resteemed! Let Freedom Rein! ✌👍💕✌😀

as always, thanks for the resteem karen!

Awe! your very welcome! thank you for all your support!👍✌💕

Really amazing article @doitvoluntarily! Thanks for this! 🍻

The state is not totally evil. I think it is good that murderers involuntarily go to jail. We do need to reduce and reform government though.

an organization that doesn't respect consent and is founded upon coercion is evil in my eyes 👍 👍

Anarchy may seem nice on paper but I have never heard or seen it happen in reality. The closest maybe is some broke hippies living off the land. We do have a democracy though so technically we could elect leaders who would disband the government.

The key is equality under the law. When that is upheld and there's true justice for all as the saying goes, then leaders cannot be destructive. They would never be able to get away with it. Anarchism, as you know, means rules without rulers and governance without government. Government means there are special protections and double standards. Remove them. Make all people equally accountable for their actions. Then individual liberty is protected, and there really is "justice for all." Right now though? It's a joke. Justice is only something the Middle Class foolishly believe in because the rich and poor know better.

Don't force other people to submit to ideas they don't want to submit to, how about that? 👍 if you violate consent at the get-go, you can't claim any sort of protection under the law.

I'm telling other people how I live my life..

Be The change you want to see in the world...

One World One race, Let's s learn to give and share what we've

Many worlds, one species. :) We are all humans, and by god this better not be the only space rock we inhabit!

Rightly said @finnian.

It's quite challenging to find good people like yourself here on Steemit. And I really get excited when I one.

It's a pleasure to meet another friend. :)

I’m sure we’ll see each other next year in person.

Happy Steeming:)

Actually, we are probably not alone, so it would be many worlds, many species. ha ha

I agree with you @nathanmars!!

Thank you @alexandraioana26

I checked your Morocco post and I can see you’re creating good content and most importantly you’re engaging with your audiences. Good on you !!

Keep up the real Steeming! Because steemit is not just a place to create content and creater must interact with people who are contributing to you to get your rewards.

Thank you so much. I am trying to engage more and more. Good luck on Steemit. ☺️

I agree with you and I made some several friends around the globe, steemit improves my life everyday. Wish you a great day @nathanmars.

This is what I like in steemit, opening discussion room, I as the reader will add insight. hopefully we all success @alexandraioana26 and @nathanmars.

Don’t support corruption

The questions is why we, the should be free people allow this to happen and give away our personal power?

People allowing other people to take away their power is not an easy subject to tackle. So many people nowadays have been deeply programmed for so long that's it's guaranteed to be difficult for them to ever change.

Where you find sheep, you will find shepherds, would be my answer.

I totally agree people nowadays have been deeply programmed... Let's create new programming and upgrade people who wanted to be better programmed to live a meaningful life..

I have a meme for this lol

But I'll just say it..

"Yeah I'm in a cult, we brainwash people into thinking for themselves"

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