Time to SWAP some ETH to STA with UNISWAP & Metamask! STATERA (STA) to the MEWN!! 🚀 🚀

in #statera4 years ago (edited)

Screen Shot 20200614 at 3.30.59 PM.png STA About to break out!!

Word on the street - STA about to pump at least 10 - 20X more!

Screen Shot 20200612 at 8.50.12 PM.png I just picked up my very first STATERA stacks, and you should too!

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Swapping to STATERA

Step 1 - Log into Metamask or open a new account & fund it with some ETH and add the official STATERA (STA)contract address.

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STATERA (STA) Contract Address:


Next go to uniswap V1 and initiate a swap with your Metamask wallet!


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All done!

That was it, now check your Metamask wallet, you should see your new tokens. STATERA to the mewn!! 🚀
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Follow coininstant for more!


Thank you very much for the link, good luck

great work bro :)

Interesante amigo @coininstant… Hay que expandir los horizontes.
Interesting friend @coininstant... We must expand the horizons.

Interesting , We'll have to give you a check... Thank you

Hola @coininstant, siempre con algo nuevo que probar. Gracias.

Hello @coinstant, always with something new to try. Thank you.

impressive but i have no enough money to invest here.
thanks again for sharing. @coininstant.

Se ve bien habrá que darle una chequeada… Gracias.

It looks good. We'll have to give you a check... Thank you.

thanks for new info! good luck

Thanks 😊 sir for sharing here I find new
wallet information 👍 through your blog post.

Tendré que comenzar a entender esto un poco más, veo que tienes buena información le daré un vistazo. Gracias por el dato.

I'll have to start understanding this a little more, I see you have good information I'll take a look at it. Thanks for the tip.

Yeah Metamask can be a very secure decentralized wallet and exchange system alternative!

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