in #stateofthedapps5 years ago


In the age and time where human's personal information is a thing of the public.Daily we hear about how our privacy is not secured anymore,how our data is been sold to the highest bidder in person of top organisation who has the fund to acquire this.With the advent of internet where there is no privacy anymore, and we all have access to information, companies with high level of technicalities has cleverly built layers of application to control users personal data.Companies like google,facebook,Microsoft among others are part of this giant industry who have been able to infiltrate our personal space.Even though governments are trying to curb this behaviour and trend, it seems like a lost battle before its even started.With all this in view, Wibson is here to help us regain this right and give us a means to monetize it.

Wibson was founded by Matias Travizano and built on the Ethereum blockchain.Wibson is a decentralized marketplace that provides financial incentives for individuals to sell their accurate private information in a secured manner without any leak.Sell data anonymously and securely.They are offering an avenue to level the playing field between the data consumers which are the organizations and data owner (who are the individual).Users will be able to participate effectively in the decentralized data marketplace that will provide financial incentives and total control over their personal information without sacrificing their privacy.The data marketplace is a platform where individuals team up to exchange data.This Wibson market has 2 ingredients which are : rules that guide the market and the second one is the resources surrounding the transaction.
Wibson is built with values like:

  • Fairness
  • Transparency
  • Anonymity
  • Censorship resistance
  • Personal control over individual information.
    This value has completely transformed the ways in which users data are collected, stored, used and monetized in the future.

Data are been traded without the users knowledge which makes companies like Acxiom and Experian trade users information from the lowest educational level to their political ambition.Trading this data without the users awareness shows the inaccuracy in them.They hereby generate a lot of profit from the sale without the awareness of the owners.There is something wrong with this system and that is what wibson is out to correct.Data sellers should be able to sell individually what belongs to them and not be ripped off by unknown company.

So using the blockchain because of its distributed nature will enable data buyers of getting legitimate data and providing anonymity for sellers.Blockchain also enables encrypted off-chain transaction among these parties.


After downloading/installing the app, individuals can go ahead to connect to data sources like Facebook and mobile location tracker and then monitor offers from different data buyers who ate willing to buy personal data.
Once the data transaction is done,the seller receives payment for sharing their data.The wibson marketplace takes the advantage of the blockchain to make sure that there is always a smart contract between the parties involved that is, the buyer and the data seller.This contract will guide how the data will be used.
The protocol was created as the backbone of the wibson data marketplace and also the fundamental concept that will make wibson a safe ans secure place for both the seller and buyer.This protocol is quiet unique in its own way due to its architectural ability to create data security and alao support revenue generating data exchange.

Wibson called WIB is the utility token of the wibson protocol which is used in transacting data in the Wibson system.



  • They are providing a platform where consumers have the ability to control and profit from their personal data.
  • Data are not stored on the blockchain,once a smart contract is drawn for a transaction the said data is encrypted and packaged up for direct transfer to the buyer.
  • Wibson never glance at the data by making sure all ends are secured.

Wibson is helping individual sell their data in a safe and better environment.By bringing together the seller and the buyer, taking care of the smart contract for every data sold and also making sure these data are valid.

I am rating the dapp 4/5

All Images and information from Here


This Webson looks though, will check it out!

Posted using Partiko Android

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