Cent a game changer or yet another clone?

in #stateofthedapps5 years ago (edited)


Monetization of content is no longer a new thing, but the platforms are.

Cent is a social media monetization platform, built on the ethereum network.

It allows its users to earn and gift out rewards via seeding.

Contents cuts across multiple niche's which includes but not limited to,

  • Arts

  • Photography

  • General, and other types.

It requires a single ethereum address to function which can be connected to multiple accounts if, for any reason, the user lost his/her login details.

What this means is that,

Funds received/claimed while using the platform is always saved in your ethereum based address and your login details are more of a requirement to perform in-site activities.

Getting Started

Compared to other monetization platforms, registration is fast and easy.


  • Goto https://beta.cent.co/

  • A key sign icon is located top right of your screen

  • Click on it

  • Type in an active email address

  • Create a password and click JOIN.

If all was successful, you should receive an email with a confirmation link to verify your account.

Features of Cent

  • Seeding

  • Bounties creation

  • Easy navigation menu

  • Instant notification

  • Wallet page.



Most content monetization platform uses a vote based system to distribute their reward which leads to circle voting or most times self-voting.

This creates a medium where 80% of the reward generated daily, goes to the users with a more staked token.

In reality, the more your wealth, the easier it is to double your income.

Content monetization is no longer achieved, on a larger scale with that principle.

On Cent, the idea of self-voting or circle voting is no longer possible or reduced to a great extent.

Cent users “seed” content they like, basically speculating on its popularity. If, for example, a reader publicly tips $1 worth of ether to a blogger for a specific post, a quarter of the crypto goes to the content creator while the rest is divided among early readers who also “seeded” the post. Coindesk.

Bounties creation


What better way to reward your followers than with bounties?

Cent is not all about post creating but more,

It has a bounty based system where users can choose to get opinion concerning a discussion and reward the best answers while doing so.

This way, you can socialize with your followers and create an incentive where they can earn by leaving useful information behind.

Bounties cuts across various types, from crowdsourcing to surveys.

Easy navigation menu


Cent comes with five different types of tabs, and each has a different use case

The idea of navigating or via a scroll bar was removed and instead replaced with quick change icons.


You can easily navigate from most popular to latest bounties available.

Instant notification


Notification is one of the easiest ways to respond to followers, users or simply commenters.

With the notification option, users are able to get an immediate alert concerning activities, carried out on the platform.

Activities range from followers alert to seeding on your post.

Wallet page


It uses a Web3 wallet to access your reward.

A web3 wallet is software that allows you to access web 3.0, send/receive funds, interact with smart contracts, and play Dapps. The wallets are built with Ethereum's JavaScript API. Web3 wallets let you interact with a local or remote ethereum node.dappvolume.

A good recommendation is MetaMask wallet.

To download, click me

what makes Cent unique

Unlike most monetization platform that requires you keeping account of keys, Cent does not.

Reward generated is sent to your typed in ethereum address.

It reduces the idea of self-voting, alongside reward circulation is increased.

The features above sure look nice, but,

  • It runs on gifting, users will be reluctant to gift just any content.

  • Reward circulation which was the goal will be cut short due to the low amount of users willing to gift contents.

  • Much as we like the idea of content monetization, the idea of earning a substantial amount daily, is not possible from my point, (unless the price of ethereum was to increase).

My Rating

Easy registration and login, combined with a clean interface, I give it


Looking for a similar Dapp? Check Stateofthedapps.

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BTC 64512.68
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SBD 2.82