Cent : Income Generating Social Network(One Of The Best Dapp Featured)

in #stateofthedapps5 years ago

Hello everyone!!

Again today i am to tell you about amazing featured DApp that i really liked. This is to review dapp that i really like in all the out of all DApps. This opportunity is given to us. Let me tell you about great decentralized app and that is Cent.


Cent : Income-Generating Social Network
Cent is first income generating social network and creativity exchange. Cent is social network where you can earn money sharing your creativity, talent, knowledge and wisdom. Cent is an developing decentralized app which is really popular. In this platform you earn by creating post, curating, and also prmoting cent. Cent is social network where you can also share your blog, photography. Cent is social network, so without chat option it doesn't remain social network. So, Cent have chatting option where you can chat all the people all together from the beginning. So, you can get help for login when you needed. Cent have great feature and you can enjoy great experience.

Cent is amazing social network where you earn posting about your life and you can blog about anything in this network. Cent is brilliant social network and i also saw great feature like chat build inside it, you can earn money too. When i entered there i was that some update was done which has made this social network more better and everything is easy to understand as it is simple.

Procedure For Login In

Procedure are simple.

  • Click on " Login".
  • Then provide your email and password that you want to put for it.
  • Then there option of "Name", chose the name you want for you.
  • Then you will receive a email, you will be verified if click on the link.
  • Finally, your account will be opened.

Procedure to open wallet

  • You can see that after login your wallet has not been on.
  • Click on "Phone".
  • Then you get option of putting number and also adjust your country.
  • You will get verification code in your number.
  • Use them and your account wallet will be verified.
  • But you also have to 'Web3" and finally your account will be totally be verified.



After the completion of login and also if you have verified the wallet. Post can be posted by clicking a button on upper part near your picture. While you write a post be careful as the draft doesn't gets save automatically but you can save your post clicking on save option. After that there is a notification sign where you can see two options in which one contains activities that you have done in the cents and also when some upvotes, comments and another one is message where you can send your message as well as receive message. Both options have great importance and it makes easy to understand each other easily and also know about various activities. Make friends, work hard and enjoy yourself in this platform.



So, cents is really amazing social network that gives great vibes by working in it. When you click on left line you can see various option. There is leaderboard that shows you all the best post writer and how much they have gains in all the work that they had put for 30 days. So, you can clearly know about the works of through leaderboard of people. So, if you want to see your name there work hard and do best. The second picture shows all the trending tags that has been used in cents. So, you can post according to the trending to gets more popular and get more response. You can also join twitter, telegram and various app as seen in most lower part.

Merits of Cent

  • You can earn money easily in this platform.
  • You can chat to people as well as write post.
  • You can get help if you have any problem.
  • You can meet new people and help each other and support.
  • You can login easily.
  • You can know about activities through notification.

Demerits of Cents

  • Cent have few user.
  • The drafts doesn't get save automatically.
  • It may be confusing to open wallet.
  • Till now there is no record of taking out money.

Improvement could be done

  • More awareness should be spread.
  • Guide should be provide for login of wallet.
  • Post draft should be saved automatically.
  • It should be promoted more all over.


My Experience and Conclusion
Cent is an amazing app that you will love as there is everything that you need for earning. This is app where you have got chat option, notification option, leaderboard, more help option, great tags to write about, easy to run. Cent is an great app where you can post anything that you want and there more facilities than other social network. Cent is social network where you earn easily.

I would rate this Cent; Social Network, 4.4 out of 5.

For Dapp Of Cent Click Here
For Cent Click Here
For Review post about this program and contest Click Here


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Thanks for reading my post.
Hope you liked reading it.
Be happy and enjoy life


Yes my senior Steemian you r right Cent appears to me the future of Web 3. I really liked the Dapp. Do you still write posts. Actually I dont use steemit often?

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