Game DApp Review - OD Task: DozerBird- Fly your way to crypto riches! - The game build on Ethereum platform

Hello Everyone,

Greetings of the day to you.

This is my second submission for the task by @oracle-d.tasks announced by @dapplovers to review Game Dapp in StateofTheDapps website.

Gaming is something that excites me and we feel so nice when we think of playing the game. I think 10-15 years back gaming was meant to be mostly for kids to keep them entertained and play and even not on that scale because kids were more interested to do outdoor activities rather than stick to gaming devices or computer. But now things have completely changed and games are considered as a form of entertainment for the people of any age. Technology has played a vital role to make it more interesting and fun-filled because it has transformed gaming to another level. Now we have highly advanced gaming devices and even high graphic games that take us to another world. I know many people who don't like to watch television for movies and shows but they are big-time fans of gaming and they play awesome games on the internet for their entertainment needs.

Gaming is biggest business and profession in 21st century and it has huge potential. Even I think technology is always on the latest side with gaming and level of development is a fast pace and its because of the highly competitive market. Gaming industry is worth billion dollars and its expected to achive revenue mark of 180 billion US Dollars by the year 2021. Even by end of the curret year its expected to cross 150 billion US Dollars revenue mark and this figure is huge. We can easily understand the kind growth this industry has acheived.

Introduction of DozerBird (Fly your way to crypto riches)

DozerBird is a game built on the ethereum platform and backed by ETH cryptocurrency. This game is not just a way to entertain ourself but also an opportunity to earn real money through ETH coin and even tag line of the game says the same. We can collect dolls that can get us ethereum coin if we exchange.

DozerBird is a blockchain skill game, testing your tapping & timing! Control collectible Cute CryptoDolls, each with different skills and abilities. Fly through obstacles to collect Key fragments to use in Master powerups: BOOST, SHIELD & PREDICT to maximize your collecting and earn real crypto. All in a candy-coated world.

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DozerBird rank in StateofTheDapps

This game is listed at rank 12 at the time writing this post which is pretty good. Game is developed by PlayDapp and submitted on 2 Sep 2019 which is just 2 weeks back time. Even after the submission of it, an update was performed in 5th Sep 2019. Looking at statistics for active users, Transactions and ETH Volume in below snapshot we can easily understand its growth phase.

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How to start playing with DozerBird

This game is available only for the mobile browser and there is no app available to download.

This game is available only for the mobile browser and there is no app available to download. When I tried to this game in my PC then it showed me this message.

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Need to open web URL- and this page were opened in which it asking to login with Portis wallet.

WhatsApp Image 2019-09-19 at 10.10.31 PM.jpeg
After this step when I continued, the game started loading and it took a little longer to load and play.

Now its ready to play and two option available. One to start playing with login with wallet attachment and another as a guest which does not require a wallet.

If you continue playing as guest then there is one disadvantage that if you leave the game idle for some time or change mobile then the game will start afresh and no data will be saved.

After continuing another loading session to open the game.

You can also see the collection of dolls within the game interface and buy the one you want. I played and used all my buds provided to me and at least 1 BUD is required to play the game.

What I liked about DozerBird Game

I liked a few things about the game and that I am mentioning below-

  • Its built on Ethereum blockchain which is a highly popular platform and most of the players are familiar with it so they can play the game uring their ethereum
  • Use interface (UI) is nice and attractive and I liked it.
  • No restriction to login and then play as a guest option is provided so if anyone wants to try it first before connecting wallet and then this option is very helpful.
  • I liked the game music which is good for ears.
  • Easy Cashout option available and exchange option is provided within the game interface.

What I did not like about DozerBird

This game is in the early stage and there are things that need to be taken care of by the development team to improve.

  • I played this game in smartphone browser and many time it took longer to load the which is disturbing and it breaks the fun momentum.
  • Lack of android and iOS app. Now when most of the apps are available only on app and they are quite popular whereas DozerBird is a browser-only game which is like going against the trend. As a user, I did not like this strategy. The team must think of it to improve the scenario.
  • I played with as guest option and within few attempts, my BUDS were exhausted which stopped my to play further. When its already guest then they should provide an adequate number of BUDS so that player can enjoy the fun and that will encourage him to connect wallet and play further.


I would like to rate various aspects of the game-

User Interface: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Speed: ⭐⭐⭐
Player Experience: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Overall experience: 3.5 ⭐


I wanted to play this game for long (probably 3-4 hours) but could not do because of some restriction implemented by the development team. I understand that game is in an early stage but that can not take as an excuse. If Dapp is not ready then they shouldn't have listed the game instead they should test all the aspects before making it available for the public. The game market is so competitive and launching a game that's built with nice concept but incomplete development is not a good idea. I like the overall fun and idea behind the game and I appreciate but looks like they released the game in a hurry. Game is easy to understand and play that's what I liked most about it. Since its built on Ethereum blockchain which is a quite popular and stable platform so it will help this game to grow and gain more user base. I hope to see smartphone app, at least for android version soon and it will help the game to get more users because I feel many players don't prefer to play games on the browser.
I hope PlayDapp will consider this feedback and make this game a solid one which will help them to capture good market share.

I have used the images from their official website for this review purpose only

Official Website

Official Review Task Post-

Thank you so much


Hello, @alokkumar121. Thank you for taking the time to review this game. Looks fascinating. If you rate the player's experience 4 out of 5, then I should probably check this game out because this is one of the things I think most blockchain games fail at.
Thank you for using the realityhubs tag. I look forward to your next review.


RealityHubs Mod

Posted on RealityHubs - Rewarding Reviewers

Thank you friend

Hello, @alokkumar121

Thanks for your contribution.

[Realityhubs Curator]

Posted on RealityHubs - Rewarding Reviewers

Thank you so much.

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