Get Tot Blog - Monday, February 26, 2018

in #stateofthearts7 years ago (edited)

Scooby Doo had many a fright, but nothing compares to the terror that entertainment and media have experienced in recent decades. With the changes that took place in the way that entertainment and media is watched, promoted, and distributed, turmoil lay in the wake.

Case in point, film was once the great American art form; still is in many respects. But, the gaming industry now dwarfs movies in total revenue. With hugely popular conventions and cosplay to spare, the likes of Marvel Comics has even dominated the film industry in the recent era.

It's a different landscape. Non-comic movies now go to comic conventions in order to compete and promote. Print publications like People Magazine rely heavily on fads, like naming the sexiest person. Speaking of which, even top celebrities like Gwen Stefani managed to get Blake Shelton ("sexiest man alive") into a little Scooby Doo cosplay this past week.

So, it's a different environment all the way around. And blockchain is just getting started. Unlike the days when the big studios ruled, people have a multitude of channels, options, and choices for entertainment and the arts. This includes multiple cartoon networks.

All of which is truly frightful. The old ways of a few dominating forces in media are gone.

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